Registered Managers’ Network July 2015
Welcome Housekeeping Updates since last meeting Today's guest speaker
Discussion time
Regular Updates Cambridgeshire County Council: Workforce Development Care Act elearning New ASC best practice courses available Grow Your Own Project New Manager appointed CCC Safeguarding Team Helen Mitchell appointed as the new Adult Safeguarding Training and Development Manager Heat wave Plan Revised plans available on Skills for Care How CQC use your NMDS data CQC Seminars for RMs – 17 th September, Cambridge National Skills Academy Blog: Achieve an Outstanding rating for recruitment New People performance management toolkit released
What is outstanding? Review the information Pick out any themes or changes in practice you think could be adopted.
Coffee and Networking Return at am
Outcome Focused Practice Lee Mummery Learning and Development Advisor, Workforce Development Team (Adults), CCC
Successes! What has been a positive for you over the last few weeks? 10mins discussion and feedback
Ice Skating
Next meeting 9.30am – 1pm, 30 th September 2015 Stanton House, Huntingdon Subject: Healthwatch Please make note of the further dates in your diary 25 th November: Hemingford Pavilion