Vote 24 : Safety and Security Briefing 17 May 2006 Select Committee on Security, Justice & Constitutional Affairs 1
Index Indication by Committee Strategic overview MTEF allocation : Figures and Facts Prominent aspects Summary 2
Indication by Committee “ Briefing on the Strategic Plan and Budget /07 ” 3
Strategic Plan 2005 to 2010 Strategic Overview 4
Strategic Plan – 2005 to Year Strategic Plan tabled on 5 April 2005 (Period 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2010) Strategic Plan 2005 to 2010 provides strategic direction of SAPS for a 5-year period while the Planning Information, extrapolated from the Strategic Plan, indicates the priorities and objectives that the SAPS will focus on during a particular financial year 5
Strategic Direction of the SAPS 5(a) The SAPS Strategic Plan comprises Key Departmental Objectives and Financial Programmes that are based on the objects of policing in terms of Section 205 of the Constitution (Act 108 of 1996): Prevent Crime Combat Crime Investigate Crime Maintain Public Order Protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property Uphold and enforce the law The SAPS Strategic Plan 2005 –2010 covers a five year period The most important Constitutional, legislative, functional and policy mandates are summarized as follows Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No 108 of 1996): South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995) Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999) Public Service Regulations, 2001 Treasury Guidelines, 2002 National Crime Combating Strategy (NCCS:2000) President’s State of the Nation Address January 2005 Lekgotla Goals and objectives of the JCPS Cluster Initiatives of the Integrated Justice System
SAPS Strategic Priorities The SAPS Strategic Priorities were developed taking, inter alia, the following into account: The JCPS Cluster Priorities The President's State of the Nation Address Government ’ s Programme of Action The Strategic Priorities as detailed in the Strategic Plan 2005 to 2010 are the following: Organized Crime Serious and Violent Crime Crimes against women and children Improving basic service delivery Human Resource Management Budget and Resource Management 6
Performance measures Measurable objectives developed for each programme Performance indicators developed and indicated together with performance targets Included in Plan Monitoring performance is viewed as assessing progress of service delivery goals 7
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(a)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(b)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(c)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(d)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(e)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(f)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(g)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(h)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(i)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(j)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(k)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(l)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(m)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(n)
Key Initiatives and Deliverables 7(o)
Budget process – Defining moments Prioritization stage – Cabinet consider policy priorities as indicated by Executive Authority Preparation of budget – Compilation of budget submission which is prescriptive of nature Review of macro-economic and fiscal framework and DOR Recommendation stage – MTEC hearings / MinComBud / Cabinet Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Special Joint Committee on the Budget State of the Nation Address Budget Day – ENE tabling by Minister of Finance Appropriation (Parliament) 8
Spending policy directions – 2006/07 President State of the Nation address “ The Government will continue to focus on the critical challenge of further improving our criminal justice system ” - 3 February 2006 Minister of Finance again reiterated safety and security as a national priority “ Improved access to justice, enhanced policing capacity and better quality of courts administration ” – Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, 25 October 2005 “ Expanding and equipping the police service and improvements in courts administration and capacity of the Justice Department ” – Budget Speech, 15 February
Linkage in respect of programmes and priorities Priorities of the strategic plan should be read into the programme structure SAPS policy and spending proposals link directly to umbrella Government spending priorities such as strengthening of the safety and security environment, infrastructure and service delivery 10
Programmes / Items (2006 ENE p. 529 to 547) Programmes represent the general purposes (objectives) on which funds are expended Items represent the estimated expenditure on goods and services required in pursuance of a department ’ s objectives Responsibility (centre of financial responsibility) represent the organizational unit entrusted with the task of compiling an estimate and accounting for expenditure against each such estimate 11
PAYMENTS (Items) Economic Classification of Payments Current Payments (Funds directly spent by departments.) Compensation of employees (Salary costs and social contributions e.g salaries, wages, most allowances, government contributions to pension fund, medical etc.) Goods and services (Purchasing of goods and services to be used by department excluding capital assets e.g fuel, oil, small tools/equipment, travel, subsistence, communication, uniform etc.) Transfers and subsidies (Funds transferred to other institutions and individuals. In other words it includes all unrequited payments made by department – “ does not receive anything directly in return for the transfer to the other party ” ) To: *Provinces and municipalities (E.g Regional Service Council Levies and vehicle lic) *Departmental agencies (E.g Landing fees of aircraft and instrument grading – pilots.) *Households (E.g discharge/retirement payouts, death grants, medical treatment of detainees, injury on duty, civil claims etc.) Payments for capital assets (Goods that can be used continuously for at least one year and from which future economic benefits or potential are expected to flow.) Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment above R5 000 (E.g transport and other equipment.) 12
Budget – 2003/04 to 2008/09 R billions R22.7 b 11.3% R25.4 b 11.9% R29.3 b 15.7% R32.6 b 11.3% R35.6 b 9.2% R38.5 b 8.1% 13
New allocations Categories2006/072007/082008/09 R million Adjusted baseline including the following: Infrastructure Borderline Policing capacity Reservists Forensic Pathology (Mortuaries)( )( )( ) Function from Public Works Transport – Security infrastructure (Metro Railway)
Budget – Programmes (Year-on-year increases) 15
Expenditure trends: Programme 1: Administration 15(a)Sub-programmesMinister Deputy Minister Management Corporate Services Property Management TOTAL2005/06 R R R R R R /07 R R R R R R Purpose: Develop departmental policy and manage the department, including providing administrative support Corporate Services consists inter alia of Logistical Services, Information Technology, Financial Services, Training, Medical Support etc. Increase due to intensified funding levels for training interventions, facilities, information technology, radio communication systems, IJS projects Funds devolved from DPW resulted in a redefined baseline
Expenditure trends: Programme 2: Visible Policing 15(b)Sub-programmes Crime Prevention Borderline Security Specialized interventions TOTAL2005/06 R R R /07 R R R R Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provide for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa ’ s borderlines Increase due to intensified funding levels for new enlistments, vehicles, bullet-proof vests and general equipment Revised reservist system and security at borderlines introduced Function for Forensic Pathology Services shifted to Dept of Health resulted in a redefined baseline for Crime Prevention
Expenditure trends: Programme 3: Detective Services 15 ©Sub-programmes General Investigations Specialised Investigations Criminal Record Centre Forensic Science Laboratory TOTAL2005/06 R R R R R /07 R R R R R Purpose: Enable the investigative work of the SAPS, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the criminal record centre Increase due to intensified funding levels for capacity at station detectives and expansion of forensic laboratories Detective, Criminal Record Centre and Forensic Science Laboratory emphasis
Expenditure trends: Programme 4: Crime Intelligence 15(d)Sub-programmes Crime Intelligence Operations Intelligence and Information Management TOTAL2005/06 R R R /07 R R R Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyze crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations Increase due to intensified funding levels for capacity at crime intelligence offices Continued emphasis on equipment of a technical nature as to enhance the effectiveness of the crime intelligence function
Expenditure trends: Programme 5: Protection and Security Services 15(e)Sub-programmes VIP Protection Services Static and Mobile Security Port of Entry Security Rail Police Government Security Regulator Operational Support TOTAL2005/06 R R R R R R R /07 R R R R R R R Purpose: Provide a protection and security service to all identified dignitaries and government interests Increase due to intensified funding levels for capacity of the Division for the continuation and expansion of projects e.g Tswane, Wits and KZN Metro Rail
Items (Year-on-year increase) 16
Compensation budget: Categories of expenditure 2006/07 R ’ 000 Wage bill (Salary, pension, bonus etc.) Cost-of-living salary adjustment Enlistments Allowances Overtime Housing subsidy Polmed and other medical schemes Incentives, scarce skills and promotions Total Establishment target = (31 March 2007) 17
SAPS Enlistment Programme 2002 to 2009 By 31 March ,560 By 31 March ,560 By 31 March ,060 By 31 March ,060 By 31 March ,060 By 31 March ,910 By 31 March ,910 Targets ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 18
SAPS Enlistment Programme 2002 to st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year5th Year6th Year7th YearTotalLatest 2002/032003/042004/052005/062006/072007/082008/09 MTEF New additions -Entry level constables7,1009,5509,05011,00010,00010,85011,00068,55031,850 -Civilians8,9004,0102,4501,000 19,3603,000 Total16,00013,56011,50012,00011,00011,85012,00087,91034,850 Projected personnel losses -Entry level constables3,000 21,0009,000 -Civilians1,000 7,0003,000 Total4,000 28,00012,000 Effective gain -Entry level constables4,1006,5506,0508,0007,0007,8508,00047,55022,850 -Civilians7,9003,0101, ,3600 Total12,0009,5607,5008,0007,0007,8508,00059,91022,850 18(a)
Training provision MTEF (“Training for all functions”) Revised estimate Medium-term expenditure estimates 2005/06 R ’ /07 R ’ /08 R ’ /09 R ’ 000 Programme 1 Administration
Vehicles Prioritized spending environment with the main aim of modernization of the vehicle fleet of the department Amounts allocated will provide for the annual replacement of boarded vehicles and for the expansion of the fleet MTEF estimates for this purpose: 2005/06R841 million 2006/07R887 million 2007/08R903 million 2008/09R941 million 20
Vehicle numbers January 2002 March 2003 March 2004 March 2005 March 2006 Number of vehicles27,05529,57329,51333,43335,418 20(a) March 2006
Personnel / Vehicle ratio January 2002 March 2003 March 2004 March 2005 March 2006 Number of personnel 120,415131,483139,023148,970155,532 Number of vehicles 27,05529,57329,51333,43335,418 Personnel / vehicles 4,45 4,714,464,39 20(b) Not discounting administrative functions and shifts which will result in lower ratio
Capital WorksCategory R ’ / / /09 Maintenance & Property rates Municipal services Property leases Sub-total Capital Works (baseline for new facilities) Additional (new facilities) Sub-total Total Day-to-day (Additional)
Principles: Devolvement of budgets from Public Works Full portfolio of funds shifted as from 2006/07 financial year Verification being performed of all leased and state-owned properties currently being occupied SAPS take over responsibilities for “ functional ” accommodation Maintenance and property rates Maintenance and property rates User charges (rental) system introduced Planned maintenance to be performed by DPW for all other accommodation Municipal services Municipal services If a dept opt to have DPW perform function – 5% management fee to be charged in addition to actual expenditure Property leases Property leases Remain DPW responsibility Cost recovery basis in respect of actual expenditure 22
Borderline Security2006/07R76,171, /08R180,158, /09R220,558,000 Intensified function / funding Detached duties at border lines Physical infrastructure e.g General and specialized equipment Accommodation Security fences (maintain, upgrade) Landing strips (maintain, upgrade) 23
Reservists2006/07R60,000, /08R80,000, /09R125,000, /07 ± /08 ± /09 ± Funding Funding Possible number of Reservists Possible number of Reservists Note: Note: Intensified function / funding Intensified function / funding Specific arrangements to be finalized Specific arrangements to be finalized 24
IJS-related expenditure Vote SAPS – Interdepartmental of nature IJS modernization Expenditure trends and estimates: 2004/05R133 million 2005/06R178 million 2005/06R178 million 2006/07R213,7 million 2006/07R213,7 million 2007/08R224,3 million 2007/08R224,3 million 2008/09R235,1 million 2008/09R235,1 million Main programmes: SAPS specific Action Request for Service Investigation Case Docket Management System ID Services Establishment Detention Management Exhibit Management SAPS LAN /WAN Upgrades Main programmes: Transversal IJS projects Interoperability IJS Codes IJS BI / GIS Transversal Infrastructure 25
Information technology IT maintenance and support Dataline maintenance SITA maintenance ISM support services Operating activities IT development projects Applications development End-user equipment projects 26
* Compensation related payments e.g additional personnel ✔ * Establishment of the Division: Protection and Security Services ✔ * Aircraft ✔ * Elections ✔ * Death Grants ✔ * Training ✔ * Reservists ✔ * Capital infrastructure ✔ * IJS programmes ✔ * Modernization and expansion of vehicle fleet ✔ * Modernization of computer technology (IT / ICT Plan) ✔ * Firearm Control System ✔ * Borderline security ✔ * General equipment e.g bullet resistant vests ✔ * Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) ✔ Spending priorities Funded Budget Multi-year overview of capacity building (Accomplished, Maintained, Expanded, Introduced) 27
Departmental provincial operational allocations (Indicative) Operational expenditure2005/062006/07 R ’ 000 Indicative growth between 9 – 11 % (Finalization underway) Western Cape Northern Cape Free State Eastern Cape Kwazulu Natal Mpumalanga Limpopo Gauteng North West TOTAL Baseline adjustments last 3 years were 11,2%, 19,2% and 12,2% 28
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