Summer Sins God made every season, Gn.8:22 Droughts often occur in summer, Ps.32:4... Je.8:20
I. Taking A Vacation From God
Canaanites, Greeks, Romans… Ancient pagans thought gods were limited to localities w. jurisdiction only over a particular province or country 1 K.20:…23 Ps.139; Mt.28:18
Americans have adopted pagan views of “god” On vacation, why not attend… Too busy; too far Kept driving Sun. a.m. to make it home for Sun. p.m. Never intended to stop; they’re on vacation
Lord’s supper Time Time Ac.20:7 (6, 16) Place Place 1 Co.11:18… Purpose 1 Co.11:24 Danger Danger 1 Co.11:27-30
Consequences of not taking God with us on vacation Wrong priorities Mt.6:33 Lack of love Mt.22:37 Misuse of time Ep.5:16 Wrong example Ep.6:4 Disobey commands Hb.10:24-25
I. Taking A Vacation From God II. Taking A Vacation From Modesty
1 Tim. 2:9, the apparel “In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation…” 1. Adorn: to put in order, arrange. 2. Apparel: clothing 3. Modest: to put in order, arrange: “dress modestly” (NRSV) 4. Propriety: shamefastness
Propriety “The word connotes fem. reserve in matters of sex. In the word is involved an innate moral repugnance to the doing of the dishonorable. It is ‘shamefast- ness’ which shrinks from transgressing the limits of womanly reserve and modesty, as well as from dishonor which would justly attach thereto” (R-R, 490f.)
Propriety… means ‘shame,’ ‘modesty,’ the capacity to feel ashamed if you act wrongly to others; hence, respect for others and their rights. It contains an element of fear – men behave well through fear of what others may think of them if they do not.” The “shame-culture” is everywhere apparent in Homer – the heroes must not “lose face” (JACT)
Propriety and the Christian Concerned about effect on... others, Mt.18:6-9 self, Mt.5:28-30 (Rv.16:15) Lord, 1 Pt.3:3-4
1 Tim. 2:9, the apparel “In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation…” 1. Adorn: to put in order, arrange 2. Apparel: clothing; “dress modestly” (NRSV) 3. Modest: to put in order, arrange. 4. Propriety: shamefastness 5. Moderation: sobriety, self-control
Moderation “As applied to women it too had a definitely sexual nuance. It is that habitual inner self-government, w. its constant reign on all the passions and desires” (R-R, 491)
1 Tim.2:9, the apparel 1 Tim.2:10, the attitude “But, which is proper for women profes- sing godliness, with good works” Proper: to be fitting or becoming, to suit (matches the claim of godliness) Godliness: 1 Co.12:23-24 The Merit Report
1 Tim.2:9, the apparel 1 Tim.2:10, the attitude Prov.7:10, the aim A woman who professes ungodliness wears attire of a harlot Christians avoid her aim and her attire Crafty heart, 10 Loud, rebellious, 11 Enticing speech, 21 Flattering lips, 21
1 Tim.2:9, the apparel 1 Tim.2:10, the attitude Pro.7:10, the aim Prov.31:19, 22, the aspiration Virtuous woman makes beautiful clothes to match beautiful character General guidelines: avoid… High hems Tight fits Low tops Thin fabrics
Modest dress – modest heart Tit.2:3-5 Women cannot learn modesty from an immodest society that teaches women to be brazen and to display their bodies Wendy Shalit’s, Return to Modesty Gn.41:14; Mt.22:11-12