ENG 110 Fall 2011 Pace University Library
At the end of this Session, you will be able to Search the Library Catalog to locate books pertaining to your topic Search one of the subscription databases to find articles on your topic Locate a source to use for MLA citation format Have at least one article for your assignment
Reference Tools Can provide you with basic information. Can help you focus your research topic. Can lead you to other useful books and articles. Can sometimes provide statistics. Gale Virtual Reference Library (found in database listings)
Catalog Searching Use the library catalog to find out what we have and where to find it. To find materials on a given topic, perform a keyword search. Use AND to combine concepts Endangered species AND North America Use OR to search for a single concept using synonyms or related terms Endangered AND (Mammals OR Animals) To find books about a person, perform a subject search for “last name, first name.” i.e., Hemingway, Ernest
Subject vs. Keyword Searching Keyword searches target entire records in the library catalog. “Threatened Species” Subject searches target only the Library of Congress subject headings that have been assigned to materials. Search terms must match subject headings exactly. Endangered Species – North America Nature Conservation
Finding Articles Using Pace Library Databases Databases provide access to articles (citations, abstracts and/or full text) published in periodicals. Use Keyword searching Use AND to combine search terms Use a database that is appropriate to the subject area you are researching. Databases are subscription products available on or off campus with your MyPace Portal username and password.
Databases to try Research Library Academic Search Premier Many full-text articles May need to use to locate articles not immediately available Gale Virtual Reference Library (Online reference books including the Environmental Encyclopedia)
Some Web sources eol.org Encyclopedia of Life eol.org U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service Digital Atlas of Marine Species and Locations World Wildlife Fund International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
MLA Citation Style MLA (Modern Language Association) style is generally used in the humanities. MLA website: See the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (at the Mortola Library Reference Desk) for more information, or visit the How Do I…? Cite Resources on the Library web pages.
Components of an MLA Citation (Article from a Library Database) Author, “Article Title.” Publication Title Volume#.Issue# (Date): page#-page#. Database Name. Web. Access Date. Lessig, Lawrence. “Privacy as Property.” Social Research 69 (2002): Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan 2006.
Questions? Mortola Library Reference Desk: (914) Library Home Page: