The Electrophorus Styrofoam sheet of Insulation Fur Styrofoam sheet and Fur are Neutral
Styrofoam sheet of Insulation The Electrophorus Styrofoam sheet becomes Negative Rubbing with fur adds electrons
Neutral Pie Pan Aluminum pie plate
Styrofoam sheet of Insulation Styrofoam sheet of Insulation Aluminum pie plate Styrofoam Cup handle Dipolar but still Neutral The Electrophorus
Styrofoam sheet of Insulation The Electrophorus Aluminum pie plate Styrofoam Cup handle Touch Negative rim and remove electrons Discharge
The Electrophorus Styrofoam Cup handle Touch positive pie plate and return electrons Lift up Recharge Aluminum pie plate
The Electrophorus Styrofoam sheet of Insulation Styrofoam sheet of Insulation Aluminum pie plate Styrofoam Cup handle Dipolar but still Neutral
Styrofoam sheet of Insulation The Electrophorus Aluminum pie plate Styrofoam Cup handle _____ Touch Negative rim and remove electrons Discharge
The Electrophorus Aluminum pie plate Styrofoam Cup handle _ Touch positive pie plate and return electrons Lift up Recharge