By: Chaffey College’s EOPS Department
Fear of Success Research shows that many people are afraid of succeeding Conflicting expectations in society First Generation College Student (enormous stakes in success and failure)
Learning Disabilities Over the last 30 years increased school funding for students with learning disabilities has enabled more students to succeed I don’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t Learn how to take effective lecture notes Generate questions from lecture notes Utilize resources on campus, Chaffey College DPS department (909)
Strategies that successful learners use Ask questions-Asking yourself questions about new information Break tasks into small, manageable parts Focus on goals Get feedback on learning progress These four thinking tools are not just academic skills, they are skills you can do in everyday life
Learning to Learn (activity Page 24) Groups of 2-3 students
Nevada First Generation
Why are you in college? What are your goals? Do you feel GPA is reflective of that? What are steps you can do to improve?
Discover the Costs Discover your procrastination style Trick yourself into getting started Let feelings follow action Choose to work under pressure Think ahead Give up “someday” Create goals that draw you forward
What is time management? It is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems working together to help you get more value out of your time with the purpose of improving the quality of your college/personal life The California State Education Code defines a college unit of credit as approximately one hour of class plus two hours of study time per week
Develop organizational skills Update your calendar regularly Long-Term Goals Prioritize assignments Develop a plan Learn to say “No” Study/Learning styles Use your “free time wisely” “Time Wasters”
College Advisor Have one student (student 1) play a struggling college freshman and another play his college counselor. The student will approach his counselor seeking guidance and help. It is the counselors (student 2) duty to help this student develop a plan that will establish effective time management that will help his student prioritize assignments and effective study habits for college success. The second student (counselor) must help his student to create a schedule for reading, studying, and completing assignments. Then, have them switch roles. Each student will learn the importance of time management and how to prioritize assignments effectively. When helping someone else create a schedule, you empower them in forming good habits for college and life-long success. Scenario: Rodrigo is 19 years old and is a full-time college student attending his third semester at Chaffey Community College. These past two semesters Rodrigo has not done so well in his academics. In Spring 2011 after completing his 12 units he received a 1.75 GPA. In Fall 2011, he ended up failing One class, dropping another, and receiving 1 D and 1 C. It is the beginning of Spring You see the potential in Rodrigo and understand he is in academic probation. Rodrigo now has to remain in good standing and receive a 2.0 GPA moving forward in order to not get dismissed (he cant drop any classes, can not afford to receive any bad grades). You are Rodrigo’s new Counselor at Chaffey Community College. Help Rodrigo develop a plan that will establish effective time management and prioritizing his assignments. Make sure Rodrigo makes time for all of his responsibilities (work, class, studying, extra curricular activities.
Study difficult (or boring) subjects first Be aware of your best time of day Use waiting time Study 2 hours for every hour you’re in class Use a regular study area Use a library Pay attention to your attention Agree with living mates about study time Get off the phone Learn to say no Get ready the night before Manage interruptions Ask: “Am I being too hard on myself?”
EOPS Student Activities (Campus Center, east next to the book store) (909) Writing Success Centers: Writing Center (located inside library (909) , Main Campus) Multidisciplinary Success Centers (BEB 101, (909) Language Success Center (BEB 101, (909) Math Centers Math 121 (909) DPS CCW21-A (909) Global Career Center MACC-203 (909) Student Health Services MACC-202 (909)