2010 LiDAR Collection in West Virginia’s Coal Fields WVAGP Meeting December 7, 2010
LiDAR collection specifications Horizontal postings: 1 meter Vertical accuracy: 15 centimeters Additional derived data products include: –ESRI elevation grid –Hillshade –2 foot contours used in AML program –Intensity image useful in QCing LiDAR data ~ 2 TB of data before derived products Slide 2
Initially Contracted LiDAR AoI Slide 3 AoI polygons are watershed rather than county-based. Initial AoI encompassed about 5,000,000 acres or about 33% of the State
Project Status as of Nov. 29, 2010 Slide 4 1,322,454 acres 1,162,728 acres Highest priority area of the state was about 3,000,00 acres. 2,485,182 acres have been completed collected. A B
Built an ICI ( =isolated computing island ) Isolated three VERY high performance computers from central IT C&C during VERY long compute jobs: –No pushes of server OS upgrades –… followed by the requisite reboots –Isolated from any network dependence for software licenses network outages –Enough local storage and bandwidth to create more than 8 TB of local storage and a peer-to-peer within-the-room network –UPS on each PC still working on this. Slide 5
QCing LiDAR & LiDAR software Slide 6 QCing LiDAR deliverables –2003 Statewide GCPs file –Multiple LiDAR datasets that overlap difference grid calculation –Trimble R8 GNSS receivers –Outsource via FEMA monies a go too Software 64 bit, use multicores –Virtual Geomatics 2 floating seats –Applied Imagery’s Quick Terrain Modeler 1 seat Approval of software purchase still pending 10 months after start of the project … no end in site!!!
Two Shorted URISA LiDAR Workshop Topics Slide 7 Wide area vs. corridor LiDAR Use of LiDAR intensity data as a substitute for aerial photography –LAS Version 1.1 (… dates back to 1.0)
LiDAR Intensity Image Slide 8 Produced from spring 2009 flight contracted by the Cabell County Assessor’s Office two whole LiDAR tiles
LiDAR Intensity Image Slide 9 Produced from spring 2009 flight contracted by the Cabell County Assessor’s Office two whole LiDAR tiles Zoom in from here
LiDAR News Headlines … The good –WVDEP has some more funding for additional LiDAR data deliverables The bad –About 50% of our initial AoI remains uncollected 17% of West Virginia The ugly –WVU’s existing LiDAR hardware and software is supported by Optech for only 1 more year. Slide 10
The end Slide 11 If we don’t take a shot at partnering more effectively … … future opportunities may be lost