©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Chapter 11 The Other Gospels: Additional Portraits of Jesus
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Key Topics/Themes Diversity of Gospels produced in early Christian period Reflect great diversity of views about nature of Jesus and his message Three classes of early, noncanonical Gospels
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Introduction The composite portrait of Jesus assumed by casual readers of the four canonical Gospels The actual uniqueness of each canonical Gospel Other Gospels produced in first three centuries C.E.
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Introduction (cont’d.) A reflection of the early fluidity of Christian belief and practice Early use of edited versions of canonical Gospels: –Gospel of the Nazoreans –Marcion’s canon –Tatian’s Diatessaron
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education The Gospel of Thomas
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Introduction to the Gospel of Thomas Discovery among the Nag Hammadi documents Consists of 114 sayings of Jesus The ostensible author: the apostle Didymos Thomas
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Thomas’s Diverse Contents 79 of 114 sayings resemble Synoptic material Possible Gnostic orientation of some sayings Lack of highly developed Christology Jesus as wisdom sage rather than savior who dies for sins of the world
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Independence from the Synoptic Gospels Strong possibility of Thomas preserving forms of Jesus’ sayings earlier than Synoptic accounts Negative attitude toward women
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Significance of the Gospel of Thomas Scholars uncertain of historical authenticity of its materials Demonstrates existence of early Christian communities that saw Jesus only as wisdom sage
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Secret Mark Many teachers reserved special teachings for closest followers Clement of Alexandria: special version of Gospel of Mark reserved for Jesus’ secret teachings Copy discovered 1958 Parallels with raising of Lazarus in John 11
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Gospel of Peter Version of the Passion of Jesus Close parallels with Matthew Includes scene of Jesus’ actual resurrection Scholarly debates about document’s origin and significance
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Gospels About Jesus’ Infancy and Childhood
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Infancy Gospel of Thomas Dated ca. 150 C.E. Portrays child Jesus using divine power selfishly and vindictively Jesus grows in maturity and awareness of the need to use powers for good
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Infancy Gospel of James Also known as Protoevangelium of James Personal history of Mary, mother of Jesus Mary the result of miraculous birth Mary a descendant of King David Joseph Mary’s guardian, not husband
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Infancy Gospel of James (cont’d.) Mary a perpetual virgin Contributed significantly to Mariology in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Summary Demonstrates that early Church did not settle quickly on single view of Jesus Demonstrates early competition between competing views about Jesus Debate settled in fifth century with establishment of doctrinal orthodoxy that condemned competing views about Jesus