You need: Pen / pencil – 2 colors Highlighter
Cornell Note Taking System AVID I Ms. Holbrook 8/31
Objective: Understand the Cornell Notes System
Warm-Up On your post-it note: Write 1 reason why it is important to take notes in class.
Note taking skills Taking notes is something we learn to do. We learn to… Know what to write down (and what not to write) Be able to listen and write at the same time Learn to use abbreviations Use symbols and/or indentations to organize notes while writing Know what to do with notes after taking them!
What do Cornell Notes look like? Two columns on a page of notebook paper. Top: Heading Left hand side: questions and main ideas Right hand side: notes Bottom: Summary For example…
The Top of the page: Topic: ___________ Questions / Main Ideas Name: ___________ Class: ___________ Period:___________ Date: ___________ Notes: _____________ ________________________
The Top of the page: Example Topic: Figurative Language Questions / Main Ideas Name: Mortimer Snerd Class: English 2 Period: 7 Date: 10/24/2010 Notes: How are a simile and metaphor different? Simile: Compares 2 different things Uses the words like/as Metaphor: Compares 2 different things Uses the words is/was
Bottom of the Page: _____________ ________________________ Summary:________________________
Bottom of the Page: Example _____________ ________________________ Summary:Figurative language is language that is not literal: it doesn’t mean exactly what it says. Similes and metaphors are 2 common types of figurative language.
Materials: Cornell Notes page Pen / pencil – 2 different colors Highlighter BRAIN!
Directions: Take notes on the right-hand side as I present information about Cornell Notes.
Heading: Topic: Cornell Notes Name: that’s you Class: AVID I Period: 2 / 3 Date: 8/31/2010
Notes: Three Advantages To Cornell Notes: 1. It is a method for learning information, not just writing facts. 2. It is efficient. 3. Each step prepares you for the next part of the learning process.
Notes: During class, write notes on the right-hand side of the paper: 1. Skip lines to separate information logically. 2. Use numbers or bullets to organize information. 3. Focus on writing main ideas. 4. Use abbreviations. 5. Use graphic organizers or pictures when possible.
Notes: After class, revise notes: 1. Write questions in the left column about the information on the right. 2. Check or correct missing information. 3. Underline key words and phrases. 4. Write clues in the left-hand column (key words and very brief phrases that will remind you of ideas/facts on the right). These are in addition to the questions. 5. Write a summary about the notes at the bottom of the page. 6. If possible, compare notes with a partner.
Notes: Study notes three ways: 1. Cover up right side of page. Read the questions. Say as much as you remember. Uncover the sheet and check information (single, most powerful learning tool!) 2. Read your old notes. Compare the clues from the left side. Look for similarities between information from one day to the next. This will help you discover categories, relationships, inferences, personal opinions/experiences. Write down what you discover! REFLECTION = KEY TO MEMORY!! 3. Review by reciting, reflecting, and reading insights.
Notes: 6 Steps to taking Cornell Notes: 1. Write notes during class. 2. Within 8 hours, read over notes to revise them. 3. Identify main ideas and write questions in left-hand column. 4. Study by reading the questions/clues on the left-hand side. Then verify by checking the right-hand side. 5. Write a summary at the bottom of page. 6. Review your notes regularly. Short, fast, frequent reviews will produce better understanding and memory.
Compare your notes Compare your notes with a partner. Add in missing information with a different color pen.
Compare with a partner Did you use abbreviations? Which ones?
Main Ideas Highlight the main ideas in your notes.
Questions On the left-hand side, write at least 2 questions.
Summary On the bottom, write a summary of what we learned today.
Compare with a partner Compare your summary with your partner.