What is Explanatory Writing?
Explanatory Writing is writing that explains something. Generally, explanatory writing has one of three purposes: ● to present facts about a specific topic ● to give directions ● to make ideas clear
Kinds of Explanatory Writing: Biography: a true story of someone's life that is written by another person Directions: explains how to do something or how something works Essay: a piece of writing that presents information about a specific topic News story: a true story that provides information about a current event or topic of interest Research report: a longer piece of writing that provides information about a specific topic Summary: a short pieve of writing that states the main idea from a longer piece of writing
The Parts of Explanatory Writing Introduction ConclusionBody ●Introduces the topic. ●Includes a lead sentence to hook readers. ●The hook can be a forceful statement, an unusual fact, a question, or a quote. ●Explains the topic with main ideas. ●Contains details to support each main idea. ●Wraps up the main ideas without repeating them. ●Closes sometimes with a final point or observation.
What are the steps to writing an Explanatory essay?
What are the steps to writing an explanatory essay?
1. THINK What is the purpose of your writing? Who is your audience? What is your topic?
2. Collect Gather more information about your topic by reading other sources and taking notes. Sources may include books, websites or articles from magazines or newspapers.
3. Organize Plan and arrange your ideas and details. You may use a graphic organizer, sequence chart or a thinking map.
4. Write Use your prewrite plan to help you write your first draft. Remember, it should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
5. Edit & Revise Share your draft with a peer. They should make edits and suggestions to improve and enhance your writing. Make revisions to your writing until it clear.