Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs ADVERBS
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs Adverbs An adverb is a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb –adverbs qualify the meaning of the words they modify by telling how, when, where or to what extent
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs Adverbs modifying verbs The dog was barking outside. ( where ) The dog barked loudly. ( how ) The dog barked today. ( when ) The dog barked constantly. ( to what extent )
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs Adverbs modifying adjectives John was a very competitive student. –the adverb very modifies the adjective competitive, which modifies the noun student. The teacher was extremely smart. –the adverb extremely modifies the adjective smart, which modifies the noun teacher.
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs Adverbs Modifying Other Adverbs The teacher spoke too quickly. –the adverb too modifies the adverb quickly, which modifies the verb spoke. He ran very slowly. –the adverb very modifies the adverb slowly, which modifies the verb ran.
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs Assignment On a separate sheet of paper, please rewrite the following sentences. Number your paper 1-17 and write every adverb and the word it modifies. The number in parenthesis tells you how many adverbs are in that sentence.
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs 1.I quickly walked the hallways. (1) 2.I was very nervous. (1) 3.Soon, my fate would be decided. (1) 4.I had just finished taking my English final examination and I was incredibly nervous. (2) 5.I only needed a mere C on the test to pass the class for the year. (1)
Geschke/English IV Grammar Unit Adverbs 6. If I did not get a C, then I would unfortunately take the class next year. (2) 7. That was the last thing I really wanted—to have the same unbelievably odd teacher for another year. (2) 8. I was pretty confident that I could get a C but I simply could not stand the suspense. (3) 9. My teacher posted the grades outside of his very small classroom on his very warped door. (3) 10. I passed—there was never a doubt! (1)