Real Student Data in Real Time Austin Community College’s The Information Portal System (TIPS) ?v=hM5cj8OZZhk
Objectives: Provide a key for finding a treasure trove of student data Provide clues about potential “booby traps” in using student data Unlock the mystery of the data warehouse tool called TIPS Encourage further data exploration
What is TIPS? TIPS is a reporting tool that is: – Menu-driven – Allows customized reports on Enrollments Students Courses – Allows you to view reports On screen Download most reports in Excel format Download some reports in PDF format
What is TIPS? Data in TIPS come from a variety of sources, including: – ACC Student Systems (Datatel) – National Student Clearinghouse (transfer data) – Future sources: Surveys (CCSSE, SENSE, Noel-Levitz) Workforce data Internet Explorer is recommended for best results.
What’s in TIPS? Course Progression Reports Dashboards/Snapshots Enrollment Data Reports Graduation Data Reports Heat Maps Student Profile Reports Transfer Data Reports Student Listing Report
Select students by various criteria Select timing of data (1 st day, census day, end of term, current, or real-time) Select fields to output Select format for the output – On screen – In Excel format
GRADE DATA REPORTS Allows users to report on grade distribution within the college, dean area, departmental, and course levels.
EXERCISE #1: Compare the success rates in Spring 2012 and Spring 2013 for PSYC Was there a significant difference? (hint: use the Grade Distribution Summary Report)
Your results should look something like this (there may be summary tables before this table).
WITHDRAWAL DATA REPORTS Allows users to report on withdrawal rates, withdrawal reason frequencies, and week by week withdrawal timelines.
EXERCISE #2: In Fall 2013, what was the most prevalent withdrawal reason given for SPAN 1511? How many students listed that reason?
Your results should look something like this (there may be summary tables before this table).
COURSE DATA REPORTS Allows users to report on student performance across courses taken in a specified sequential order.
EXERCISE #3: Run a course progression report for ENGL 1301 Fall 2013 to PSYC 2301 Spring Based on this course progression data, what percentage of students who received a successful grade (A, B or C) in ENGL 1301 received a successful grade (A,B, or C) in PSYC 2301?
Your results should look something like this (there may be summary tables before this table).
HEAT MAPS Gives a quick visual look at the selected data using a color gradient to target areas of concern.
EXERCISE #4: Which course in the Computer Science Department had the highest percentage of non-successful Distance Learning students for Fall 2013?
Your results should look something like this (there may be summary tables before this table).
GRADUATIONS/COMPLETIONS Allows users to follow a cohort of first time in college (FTIC) students to their first degree/certificate completion.
EXERCISE #5: For the Fall 2006 FTIC cohort, what cumulative percentage of Females graduated with an AS by year 5?
Your results should look something like this (there may be summary tables before this table).