RELIGIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST Birthplace of Major World Religions Birthplace of Major World Religions All monotheistic and linked by a common ancestor -


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Presentation transcript:

RELIGIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST Birthplace of Major World Religions Birthplace of Major World Religions All monotheistic and linked by a common ancestor - ABRAHAM All monotheistic and linked by a common ancestor - ABRAHAM Judaism – 2000 BCE Judaism – 2000 BCE Christianity - Birth of Jesus (CE Begins) Christianity - Birth of Jesus (CE Begins) Islam – 610 CE Koran revealed to Muhammad Islam – 610 CE Koran revealed to Muhammad

ABRAHAM Links Judaism, Islam and Christianity Covenant with God Covenant with God Land & People Land & People Abraham – Sarah Abraham – Sarah Isaac Isaac Abraham – Hagar Abraham – Hagar Ishmael Ishmael

Monotheism Unifies the culture Unifies the culture Stresses moral behavior Stresses moral behavior Righteousness Righteousness Ends destructive practices Ends destructive practices Encourages spirituality and self-reflection Encourages spirituality and self-reflection

JUDAISM Belief in one God Belief in one God God promised Abraham “land and descendants” God promised Abraham “land and descendants” “Chosen People” are the descendants of Abraham’s son Isaac “Chosen People” are the descendants of Abraham’s son Isaac Land of Canaan is modern day Israel Land of Canaan is modern day Israel Messiah – will bring peace & unity Messiah – will bring peace & unity

Teachings of Judaism Moses Moses Hebrew people enslaved in Egypt Hebrew people enslaved in Egypt God sends10 Plagues God sends10 Plagues The Passover The Passover Moses led the Hebrew people to the out of Egypt to the “Promised Land” Moses led the Hebrew people to the out of Egypt to the “Promised Land” The 10 Commandments received from God The 10 Commandments received from God 1400 BC (approx) opl

Sacred Texts The Torah “Five books of Moses” The story of creation, escape from Egypt, laws and duties of the Jewish people The Tanakh – The Hebrew Bible Sacred stories and writings of the Jewish people.

Sacred Texts The Talmud The Jewish Law Legal Opinions and Scholarly Debates Strongly influences Western Law

Religious Dress for Women

The Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem Destroyed 70 CE - Wailing Wall is all that remains of the temple Destroyed 70 CE - Wailing Wall is all that remains of the temple Jewish communities keep traditions alive throughout the world Jewish communities keep traditions alive throughout the world Await the Messiah – who will bring peace & unity Await the Messiah – who will bring peace & unity

The Diaspora


CHRISTIANITY Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth Son of God Son of God Preached about humility, mercy equality, forgiveness Preached about humility, mercy equality, forgiveness Crucified by Romans Crucified by Romans Rose from the dead Rose from the dead Apostles spread faith Apostles spread faith Salvation for rich and poor Salvation for rich and poor

Jesus of Nazareth Challenged corrupt Jewish officials Challenged corrupt Jewish officials Seen as a threat by Romans Seen as a threat by Romans Crucified by Romans Crucified by Romans

Christians believe The Bible Old Testament – Hebrew Scriptures New Testament – Life and teachings of Jesus as written by his followers

JESUS TAUGHT HIS FOLLOWERS TO: Love God Love one another as they love themselves

Christians believe The Trinity 3 personifications of one God God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

Three Major Types of Christianity Roman Catholic Orthodox Christian Protestant

Important Rituals BaptismConfirmationEucharist/Communion

“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Christian Church.” Christianity was not destroyed by Roman persecution, but spread to far flung regions of the world.

ISLAM Allah (God) Allah (God) Muhammad – The Prophet Muhammad – The Prophet Koran - Holy Book Koran - Holy Book Hadith – words of The Prophet Hadith – words of The Prophet Mosque – Place of worship Mosque – Place of worship

THE FIVE PILLARS 1. To proclaim the belief in the one God. 2. To pray five times a day. 3. To give to the poor. 4. To fast during Ramadan. 5. To make the Hajj.

JIHAD SOMETIMES CALLED THE “SIXTH” PILLAR OF ISLAM MEANS “STRUGGLE” Spiritual struggle of the soul Physical struggle to defend Islam

The Hajj The Pilgrimage to Mecca The Pilgrimage to Mecca Saudi Arabia hosts and controls Saudi Arabia hosts and controls Also visit the Prophet’s grave in Medina Also visit the Prophet’s grave in Medina Circle the Ka’aba Circle the Ka’aba

ABRAHAM Links Judaism, Islam and Christianity Abraham – Sarah Abraham – Sarah Isaac Isaac Hebrew people (Jesus) Hebrew people (Jesus) “Ibrahim” – Hagar “Ibrahim” – Hagar Ishmael Ishmael Arab people (Muhammad) Arab people (Muhammad)

“People of the Book”  The Prophet's phrase for Christians & Jews  All Monotheistic  All worship the same God  Muslims regard Jesus Christ as a prophet of Islam who will come before the Day of Judgment  The Prophet accepted the Hebrew and Christian scriptures as the word of God

Religion Links Believers to the Middle East Strong emotional ties Strong emotional ties People around the world care about the politics of the region People around the world care about the politics of the region Want stability Want stability Access to the Holy Sites (Jerusalem, Mecca) Access to the Holy Sites (Jerusalem, Mecca) Donate money and support causes based in the Mid East Donate money and support causes based in the Mid East


Islam Sunni and Shi’ite Split Sunni (85%) Leaders chosen from among the people (Caliphs) Shi’ite (15%) leaders are descendants of the Prophet (12 Imams) Same basic beliefs

Sunni and Shia Sunni (green) Shia (red)

SHIA ISLAM Shi’ism originates in Iraq with the assassination of Imam Hussein (Nephew of the Prophet) at Karbala 632AD Iraq and spreads over the border to Iran More mystic and emotional Ayatollahs have more power than Sunni clerics

Fundamentalism Belief that one's religious texts are infallible Belief that one's religious texts are infallible One’s practice is better or more pure than that of others who follow the same faith. One’s practice is better or more pure than that of others who follow the same faith.

Fundamentalism is Growing Found in all religions Found in all religions Want to maintain traditional, basic beliefs of their faith Want to maintain traditional, basic beliefs of their faith Resist change, modernization Resist change, modernization

Christian Fundamentalists Waco MassacreWaco Massacre 1993 siege on headquarters of Branch Davidians1993 siege on headquarters of Branch Davidians Cult like group led by David KoreshCult like group led by David Koresh 76 killed, including 20 children76 killed, including 20 children

Jewish Fundamentalists Orthodox in their observance Orthodox in their observance Torah given to Moses by God and must be observed in every detail Torah given to Moses by God and must be observed in every detail In modern Israel “settlers” claim God given rights to land designated for Palestinians In modern Israel “settlers” claim God given rights to land designated for Palestinians

Muslim Fundamentalists Reject Western valuesReject Western values Jihad as violent struggleJihad as violent struggle Strictly follow the Sharia LawStrictly follow the Sharia Law Women play a traditional role in societyWomen play a traditional role in society