Wordle 42 Feckless Dogged Doleful Fictive Flout
Feckless feck·less Adjective: 1.(of a person) Lacking in efficiency or vitality. 2.Unthinking and irresponsible. Synonyms:powerless - ineffective - helpless John was a feckless student who always waited until the last minute to do his work.
dogged dog·ged/ Adjective: Having or showing tenacity and grim persistence: “His success required dogged determination". Synonyms: obstinate - stubborn - pertinacious – persistent The little bird was dogged in his quest for food.
doleful dole·ful/ˈdōlfəl/ Adjective: 1.Expressing sorrow; mournful: "a doleful look". 2.Causing grief or misfortune: "doleful consequences". Synonyms: sad - mournful - sorrowful - lugubrious - dismal - woeful Sally was doleful after hearing about her parent’s divorce.
fictive fic·tive/ Adjective: Creating or created by imagination: "the novel's fictive universe". Synonyms: fictitious - fictional – imaginary The little boy liked to act out fictive adventures.
flout Verb: Openly disregard (a rule, law or convention): "these same companies still flout basic ethical practices". synonyms: mock - scoff - jeer - deride - gibe - scorn - taunt The man flouted the no smoking sign, so he was fined by the police.