LANL Nuclear Physics 15/10/2006 Personnel and Budgets Mike Leitch, P-25 Personnel in the Program LANL Leadership Roles Physics and Budgets for the next five years
LANL Nuclear Physics 25/10/2006 Personnel and Outreach Main Personnel: Mike Leitch, Ming Liu, Pat McGaughey, Sergey Butsyk (PD) Others: Melynda Brooks, Dave Lee, Hubert vanHecke, Paul Constantin (PD), Carlos Comacho (PD), Anuj Purwar (PD), Ivan Vitev (Oppenheimer PD) Experimental Visitor Program: Hosted ~one dozen students, post-docs and staff for long-term visits to Los Alamos to work on data analyses Visiting Theorists Program, Seminar Program: hosted theorists for long-term visits to LANL and active seminar program coupled with follow-up discussions within the group Host/Organizers of: Muon Workshop in Santa Fe for 3 consecutive years, PANIC 2005 in Santa Fe, a number of PHENIX analysis meetings Good staff to post-doc ratio, active visitor program, leadership in organization of physics efforts, and Lab contributions (LDRD) to efforts make support cost-effective
LANL Nuclear Physics 35/10/2006 Leadership Roles APS Hadron Physics Topical Group (GHP) Executive Committee (since 2005) Co-convener of RHIC-II Forward & Proton-Nucleus Science Working Group (since 2005) Member of PHENIX Executive Council ( ) PHENIX Physics Impact Panel for QM05 (2005) E866/NuSea (Fermilab) spokesman Leader of spin physics from muons in PHENIX LDRD DR Forward Vertex Detector Upgrade spokesman Project manager for the forward vertex (FVTX) upgrade (present) PHENIX Speakers Bureau (2005 – present) Co-convener of the PHENIX Heavy-quark physics working group ( ) Muon Tracker Detector Council Member ( ) Deputy project manager for the FVTX project Leitch Liu McGaughey Brooks Lee In Addition: Membership in several paper-writing committees for PHENIX, Period Coordinators for PHENIX runs, stewards of Muon Tracking System
LANL Nuclear Physics 45/10/2006 Spin physics from muons at RHIC is now coming and LANL is largely alone in leading this effort. Need to build this effort AND maintain our already strong efforts on non-spin topics LANL leading major new effort for FVTX upgrade to PHENIX we cannot shut down our physics efforts while we do this need to maintain strong physics while building FVTX New opportunities with E906/FNAL or JPARC difficult to make substantial contribution here without staff increase given heavy PHENIX involvement Need to add a new physicist! Natural attrition likely means some staff leaving over the next few years – need replacement(s) Strategy for Staffing and Effort
LANL Nuclear Physics 55/10/2006 YearFY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11 presidentsproposed Proposed KB01$896k$1100k$1210k$1331k$1464k$1611k FTE1.9+1PD PD PD PD PD3+2PD CNMgood Spin good for beginning better fully engaged FVTX Major new effort add const. $ cont const. $ E906/JPARCproposal limited part. LHC pA?interest LANL Spin & Cold Nuclear Matter Program Resource Distribution & Comments – FY07-FY11 adding staff allows strong physics during FVTX construction & hopefully E906/JPARC involvement (try for new LDRD to help start the latter?) FVTX LDRD ends after FY08; staff migration onto base funding difficult to see how LHC pA can be pursued; especially if E906/JPARC goes ahead (for President’s budget + 10%/yr increases – LANL request)
LANL Nuclear Physics 65/10/2006 Spin & Cold Nuclear Matter Program Research Goals, FY06 and beyond Gluon contribution to the nucleon spin – double-spin asymmetry for heavy-quarks & onia with muons –Single spin asymmetry measurements of forward hadrons, charm, beauty and quarkonia Contribution of the nucleon’s sea quarks to its spin (W’s) Cold nuclear matter effects with quarkonia Charm and beauty via single muons RHIC-II to enable rarest probes Much of RHIC program strengthened by FVTX upgrade dbar/ubar & quark energy loss via Drell-Yan process at E906/FNAL or JPARC pA program at the LHC?
LANL Nuclear Physics 75/10/2006 ActivityFY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11 CNM PD PD Spin PD PD PD FVTX PD PD PD 0.3 E906 JPARC PD PD PD PD total PD PD PD PD PD 3 2 PD FVTX LDRD PD PD PD Very Rough FTE Breakdown (for President’s budget + 10%/yr increases – LANL request) Starting with equal CNM & spin; evolve to strengthen spin and then add E906/JPARC; and maintain physics while building FVTX