The Manhattan Project
Overview Program to develop atomic weapons Code Named: The Manhattan Project Began December 1941 & ended in 1946 Was discreet and kept extremely secret
Project Origins Letter written from Albert Einstein inspired FDR to research the uses of uranium Led to creation of “Uranium Committee” under National Research Defense Council Later modified into Manhattan Project Approved by FDR with out direct knowledge of Congress Funds came from secret Presidential accounts
Goals and Tasks 1) Research the nature and capabilities of atomic energy 2) Use this energy to create first atomic bomb
Directors Army Corps of Engineers’ Manhattan District controlled bomb construction Supervisor: General Leslie R. Groves Head of Scientific Team: Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer
Workers and Expenses Cost $ 2.2 Billion Employed more than 600,000 people Involved US and foreign scientists from universities & industrial sites Variety of scientists who worked in different fields
Facilities Main Facility: Los Alamos, New Mexico Other Sites: Oak Ridge, Tennessee & Hanford, Washington Research conducted in university laboratories Colombia and Berkley
Development Constructed nuclear reactors to extract uranium from fossils and convert it into plutonium Resulted in fission weapons that compress the plutonium so that a chain reactions occur and create explosive power
Results First atomic bomb created Tested on July 16, 1945 at New Mexico facility Produced the two bombs that were used against Japan “Little Boy” bomb dropped on Hiroshima “Fatman” bomb dropped on Nagasaki Became part of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) after World War II