Museums: Worlds of Wonder Lesson 28 Vocabulary
Apologize To make an apology; say one is sorry Did you apologize to your mother for burning the pancakes?
Genuine Sincere; honest They showed genuine interest in my work.
Triumph The fact of being victorious Becoming a star is a triumph most performance artists long for.
Arrangement The act or an example of arranging; order in which things are arranged I studied the alphabetical arrangement of the books on the shelf. Preparations for an undertaking; plan Pigeons find that living among people is a fine plan, or arrangement.
Biological Of, relating to, or affecting living things She had a biological need to sleep.
Display A public showing; exhibition A display of moon rocks is in the museum.
Concluded To think about something and then reach a decision or form an opinion I have concluded that the best way to make a friend is to be one.
Obstacles Something that blocks or stands in the way Fallen rocks and other obstacles made it impossible to use the road.
Affect To cause a change in someone or something Problems in the rain forest affect the animals living in it.
Vast Very great in area; huge The Amazon River flows through a vast rain forest.