Reversible and irreversible processes Physics Entropy 28 September 2011
Isolated systems thermal reservoir may exchange heat temperature does not change battery reversibly stores work engine may exchange heat or work operates in a cycle ideal gas may exchange heat or work
Heat flow Second Law of Thermodynamics (Clausius) No process can have as its sole result the transfer of heat from a colder system to a warmer system. warmer q colder warmer q colder possibleimpossible
Heat flow warmer q colder warmer q colder irreversible same q reversible possible impossible Second Law of Thermodynamics (Clausius) No process can have as its sole result the transfer of heat from a colder system to a warmer system.
Work and heat ???? q w q = w q w possible
Work and heat q w q warmer colder q = w Overall process violates the Second Law! possible impossible
Work and heat q w q w q = w possibleimpossible irreversible
Expansion of an ideal gas Q = 0 W = 0 ∆E = 0 ∆T = 0 q w isothermal expansion ∆E = 0 q = w We can also perform isothermal compression. free expansion possible reversible
Free compression? ???? free compression Q = 0 W = 0 ∆E = 0 ∆T = 0 warmer q colder w q Step 1: isothermal expansion Note that the gas has expanded.
free compression Q = 0 W = 0 ∆E = 0 ∆T = 0 warmer Step 2: free compression colder Overall process violates the Second Law! impossible Free compression?
Expansion of an ideal gas q w free expansion isothermal expansion Q = 0 W = 0 ∆E = 0 ∆T = 0 ∆E = 0 q = w We can also perform isothermal compression. reversible possible irreversible
Heat engines perfect heat engine q w impossible warmer q w colder q' q-q'=w general heat engine possible* *provided waste heat q' is not too small
Refrigerators impossible possible* *provided work input w is not too small perfect refrigerator q warmer colder q w q=w+q' general refrigerator q' warmer colder q
End review