India is one of the major banana exporting countries. Banana crop is an important source of income and employment in South and Central India. Market sale and Export volume are directly responsible for economic and food security of banana cultivators. Secondary industries like banana processing and tissue culture plant production are also affected by these changes. Seedling hardening is the physiological adaptation of plant to changes in climate or environment. Introduction
Tissue cultured banana plantlets are transferred from laboratory to Green house and then to out door for hardening. Tissue cultured banana plantlets have well differentiated shoots and roots and receive nutrients from artificial growth medium. The caps of tissue culture seedling bottles are opened for few days before shifting to green houses to help the seedlings for in vitro acclimatization. Hardening of Plantlets in Culture Vessels
Tissue cultured banana seedlings before hardening Hardening of Banana seedlings
After removing banana plantlets from the containers, the gel like agar medium is gently washed from the roots. Pre-hardened, tissue cultured plantlets with well developed roots becomes ready for planting into potting media in a greenhouse. Pre-hardened plants should be quickly prepared and transferred for the greenhouse nursery under partial shade. Preparing Vessels for Transplanting
Plastic pots or polyethylene bags can be used as nursery containers. Poly-bags are preferred for their light weight. Potting mixture with 2 parts growing media mixture, 1 part Perlite, and 3 parts vermiculite sand is preferred for growing banana plantlets in greenhouse. Slow-release fertilizers or liquid fertilizers are added to supply nutrient to plantlets. Multiple applications of liquid fertilizers are required. Plant Containers and Potting Media
Hardening of banana seedlings under controlled conditions Hardening of Banana seedlings
Banana plants are allowed to acclimatize in greenhouse for 2 months with plant height up to 20 cm, before they get ready to transplant in the field. Young plants typically produces a new leaf approximately every five days during their early development. Gestation and stabilization periods of seedlings depends on nutrient status of the soil and type of cultivar and it ranges from 9 to10 month after transplanting. Transfer and Establishment of Plants
Hardening of Banana plants under natural conditions Hardening of Banana seedlings