COMMUNICATION Questioning and Listening
Questions Asking questions is an integral part of communicating, but we are not always aware of the effect our questions have. Sometimes questions promote communication but at other times it can be hindered by them.
TYPES OF QUESTIONS There are several types of questions.There are several types of questions. Can you name one type of question??Can you name one type of question??
TYPES OF QUESTIONS Closed questions - These are questions which can be answered fairly simply, usually with the words “yes” or “no” or with a brief answer e.g.These are questions which can be answered fairly simply, usually with the words “yes” or “no” or with a brief answer e.g. “Did you enjoy supper?”“Did you enjoy supper?” “Yes” or “No”“Yes” or “No”
TYPES OF QUESTIONS Open-ended questions – Open-ended questions give the other person an opportunity to answer in different ways. Such questions begin with the word ‘how’ or ‘why’Open-ended questions give the other person an opportunity to answer in different ways. Such questions begin with the word ‘how’ or ‘why’e.g. “How are you feeling?”“How are you feeling?”
TYPES OF QUESTIONS Useful questions - Useful questions give others an opportunity to speak. These short questions can almost be a supplement to a statement and can show others that they should speak next.Useful questions give others an opportunity to speak. These short questions can almost be a supplement to a statement and can show others that they should speak next. Such questions are called supplemental questions, e.g. “It was a good game, wasn’t it?” is your question or perhaps you voice your opinion first, saying to someone else “You know what I think, don’t you?”Such questions are called supplemental questions, e.g. “It was a good game, wasn’t it?” is your question or perhaps you voice your opinion first, saying to someone else “You know what I think, don’t you?”
TYPES OF QUESTIONS Can you make a list of reasons for using questions.
TYPES OF QUESTIONS Questions are used for a number of different reasons - to report backto report back to keep a person talkingto keep a person talking to make things clearerto make things clearer to show that the receiver is interested in the conversationto show that the receiver is interested in the conversation
TYPES OF QUESTIONS Questions can also be - Futile e.g. when a person asks too many questionsFutile e.g. when a person asks too many questions Sensitive – when a person asks questions about things which they never should askSensitive – when a person asks questions about things which they never should ask Confidential – when questions should not be asked, knowing that the information is confidentialConfidential – when questions should not be asked, knowing that the information is confidential
LISTENING EFFECTIVELY On the whole, we are poor listeners. Research shows that we listen for periods of 30 seconds before losing concentration. On the whole, we are poor listeners. Research shows that we listen for periods of 30 seconds before losing concentration. We tend to hear what is of interest to us and ignore other things. We ‘Switch off’ if we’re bored or if we don’t like the person who is taking to us, and then follow our own train of thought.We tend to hear what is of interest to us and ignore other things. We ‘Switch off’ if we’re bored or if we don’t like the person who is taking to us, and then follow our own train of thought. Effective listening or active listening means that we must concentrate carefully.Effective listening or active listening means that we must concentrate carefully.
LISTENING EFFECTIVELY In order to make sure that we are listening effectively, we need to: Maintain eye contact and control facial expressionsMaintain eye contact and control facial expressions Adopt positive physical gesturesAdopt positive physical gestures Listen, and allow the other person to finish, before reflecting and summarising what he/she has saidListen, and allow the other person to finish, before reflecting and summarising what he/she has said Be patientBe patient Respect silenceRespect silence
LISTENING EFFECTIVELY What is being said below??