Warm-Up (5 mins) 1.List as many causes as you can 2.Categorize the causes TODAY’s Activity 1.Set goal for test!!!!! 2.Discuss Chapter 15 sec 4 3.Political Debate 1.Slavery – Limit Expansion or Popular Sovereignty 2.Secession – For or Against 3.Should the federal gov have the power to require healthcare? – For or Against DLG: Demonstrate your understanding of the historical conflicts arising over the issue of states' rights, including the Nullification Crisis. Pre-AP Mon Mar 5,2012 HomeworkDue DateComments Chap 15 QuizTues, Mar 6You can use your notes Causes of the Civil War TestThurs, Mar 8
Back to Transparencies Visual Summary 1846 Wilmot Proviso Compromise of Kansas–Nebraska Act 1855 “Bleeding Kansas” 1856 Caning of Sumner 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford 1859 Attack on Harpers Ferry SECESSION Election of 1860
Warm-Up (10 mins) 1.Pick-up Quiz – you may use your notes TODAY’s Activity 1.TSCR Words of Wisdom DLG: Demonstrate your understanding of the historical conflicts arising over the issue of states' rights, including the Nullification Crisis. Pre-AP Tues Mar 6, 2012 HomeworkDue DateComments Study Causes of the Civil War TestThurs, Mar 8
Warm-Up (5 mins) 1.TSCR 53 & 54 TODAY’s Activity 1.Review Game 2.Writing Analysis – Was the Civil War inevitable? Justify your answer Pre-AP Wednesday Mar 7,2012 DLG: Identify the issues surrounding significant events of the Civil War, including the firing on Fort Sumter, the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg, the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation, the assassination of Lincoln, and Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House. [8.8.B] HomeworkDue DateComments Study Causes of the Civil War TestThurs, Mar 8
Possible Strategies 1.REMEMBER YOUR GOAL!!!! 2.Braindump per question 3.Circle Keywords or Words that you know 4.Write what you know about the circled words 5.Check Scantron & Test to make sure you bubbled correctly; Erase Correctly 6.Take Your Time!!! & Read All the Question During the TEST---If you struggle with a question, write next to the words what was confusing about the question. ****After the test: Scantron in flat tray; Test in tall tray Do Missing/Absent Work. You May listen to your IPOD.**** Pre-AP Thursday Mar 8,2012
Warm-Up (5 mins) 1.Most missed questions TODAY’s Activity 1.Use construction paper to Create K-W-L Civil War Chart 2.Exploring Civil War Media/Websites 3.Discuss Chart Pre-AP Fri, Mar 9, 2012 DLG: Identify the issues surrounding significant events of the Civil War, including the firing on Fort Sumter, the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg, the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation, the assassination of Lincoln, and Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House. [8.8.B] HomeworkDue DateComments NONE
If absent, search the internet to complete the learn column. Think about attitudes toward AA, Whites, & How they interacted. Include the name of the websites where you found the information. Civil War Chart - pg 21
TAKS Practice— Obj. 2— 8.12a a) a source of transportation b) power for factories c) a shield from wild animals d) a natural boundary for territories The early English colonists of North America settled near rivers, which provided resources and ---
TAKS Practice— Obj. 3— 8.25b
TAKS Practice — Obj. 3— 8.5b By 1832 many southerners opposed protective tariffs because these tariffs--- a)Increased the cost of owning slaves b)Lowered the price of cotton c)Increased the price of foreign manufactured goods d)Discouraged the construction of new factories
TAKS Practice— Obj.1 — 8.6a These statements are part of which of the following… a)Louisiana Purchase b)Northwest Ordinance c)Territorial Acquisition Act d)Kansas-Nebraska Act