The Golfer’s Wish Alexandra Espinosa Amaya
Background and History The men’s golf program at Jacksonville State University since Women’s golf program since 1995.
Problems and Goal(s) The golf team does not have an on campus practice facility The goal is to build a short game facility so that golfers can practice at random hours, between classes, and can improve their game
Objectives Organize some local golf tournaments Golf lessons Golfing buddy for the weekends
Audience Local golfers The Gadsden Country Club members The Anniston Country Club members
Strategies & Tactics Direct communication with the people helping this program.
Calendar January : Ask Silver Lakes for permission to organize a golf tournament without charge. February: Visit the Anniston and Gadsden Country Club and personally invite every member to the tournament March: Organize golf lessons
Budget For every 1000 square feet of area the cost of a Bermuda grass green costs dollars A green mower costs dollars The workers expenses vary
Evaluation At the ends of the fall semester look at the money that has been collected. Make a data base with all the names and numbers of the participants. Keep a follow up
Reference SYN Lawn. Putting Greens Direct. Retrieved from: United States Golf Association. For the Good of the Game. Retrieved from: