SOEL January 14, 2014
It’s 2014!
Clarifications Framework book February 12- Survey results show you want a whole day (20 yes, 6 no). SCHECHS
Agenda Morning Norms Big Ideas Nell Duke De-brief Lunch Afternoon Research book groups Framework Book Groups Big Ideas Charting our work Wrap Up
Norms 1. Stay fully engaged with discussion or activity. Hold off side bars and use of technology to scheduled breaks. Group will use parking lot for burning questions. 2. Will follow a planned agenda with flexibility to accommodate speakers’ questions, and process time. 3. Respect other opinions and ideas. Monitor airtime so everyone will have a voice. Push yourself and your thinking. 4. Come Prepared. Materials read. Take care of personal needs when necessary.
Big Ideas Take out your Clock Buddies from our November meeting. Make eye contact with your 6:00 partner. When you meet, write down the 3-5 BIG IDEAS you see coming from our learning so far. Think about your reading and our speakers. Look at the Wikispace to jog your memory.
Dr. Nell Duke- University of Michigan Nell K. Duke, Ed.D., is a professor of literacy, language, and cultureliteracy, language, and culture and faculty associate in the combined program in education andcombined program in education and psychologypsychology at the University of Michigan, and a member of theUniversity of Michigan International Reading Association Literacy Research PanelInternational Reading Association Literacy Research Panel. Duke received her Bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College and her Masters and Doctoral degrees from Harvard University. Duke’s work focuses on early literacy development, particularly among children living in poverty. Her specific areas of expertise include development of informational reading and writing in young children, comprehension development and instruction in early schooling, and issues of equity in literacy education.Swarthmore CollegeHarvard University
De-Brief Nell’s Talk ●What were key points that stood out for you? ●What was new information for you? ●What did you question? ●What could you take back to your practice?
LUNCH 12:00-1:00
Research Books We will meet until 1:45 and have a break 1:45-2:00 Handbook of Effective Literacy Instruction- Group 1 Faclitator: Linda Kuzon In this room Handbook of Effective Literacy Instruction- Group 2 Facilitator: Melissa Brooks-Yip Seminar 5 Teaching with the Common Core State Standards for ELA-- Grades PreK-2 Facilitator- Sandy Riley Seminar 3 Best Practices in Literacy Instruction- Group 1 Facilitator- Lynne Stewart-Raglin This room Best Practices in Literacy Instruction- Group 2 Facilitator- Laurie Mayes Seminar 4
BREAK until 2:00
Framework Book Last time, you decided how you were going to split up reading of the book. Spend some time reviewing reading. What are the BIG IDEAS so far? How will you present the ideas in your book during our May meeting?
Meeting locations- return here at 2:45 All About Words This room Reading and Writing Genre This room Comprehension and Collaboration Seminar 3 Already Ready Seminar 3 Apprenticeship in Literacy Seminar 5 Talking, Drawing, Writing Seminar 5 Nurturing Knowledge Seminar 4 Powerful Content Seminar 4
BIG IDEAS Based on the additional information from Nell Duke, and the discussion of our Framework Books- what additional BIG IDEAS would you add to our learning?
Wrap Up SCHECHS Feedback
Next Time February 12 with Gina Cervetti- Literacy in Science. *WHOLE DAY Research book Framework book