NVO3 Anycast Layer 3 Gateway draft-hao-nvo3-anycast-gw-00 July 20141NVO3 Anycast Gateway Weiguo Hao(Huawei) Lucy Yong(Huawei) Yizhou Li(Huawei) Feng Wang(H3C)


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Presentation transcript:

NVO3 Anycast Layer 3 Gateway draft-hao-nvo3-anycast-gw-00 July 20141NVO3 Anycast Gateway Weiguo Hao(Huawei) Lucy Yong(Huawei) Yizhou Li(Huawei) Feng Wang(H3C) Wade Shao(Tencent) Vic Liu(China Mobile) July, 2014 Toronto Canada

NVO3 Network IP/MPLS WAN Scenario NVO3 Anycast GatewayJuly 2014 NVE1 NVE2 NVE3 GW1 GW2 TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 The traffic which goes through centralized gateway includes: 1. In/out DC traffic 2. In no distributed gateway case, inter-VNs traffic. Prone to be bottleneck Anycast layer 3 NVO3 gateway is to improve gateway scalability.

IP/MPLS WAN L3 Anycast GW Solution July 2014NVO3 Anycast Gateway3 NVO3 Network NVE1 ( ) NVE1 ( ) NVE2 ( ) NVE2 ( ) NVE3 ( ) NVE3 ( ) GW1 ( ) GW1 ( ) GW2 ( ) GW2 ( ) TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 Anycast gateway VN IF 1(gateway interface for VN 1) Gateway Ip/mask: /24 VN IF 1(gateway interface for VN 1) Gateway Ip/mask: /24 VN IF 2(gateway interface for VN 2) Ip/mask: /24 VN IF 2(gateway interface for VN 2) Ip/mask: / VN 1 VN 2 Flow-based traffic load balancing among all GWs

ARP Handling: L2 VN July 2014 NVO3 Anycast Gateway4 NVO3 Network NVE1 ( ) NVE1 ( ) NVE2 ( ) NVE2 ( ) NVE3 ( ) NVE3 ( ) GW1 ( ) GW1 ( ) GW2 ( ) GW2 ( ) TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS NVA NVA pushes TS/NVE mapping to each GW NVA pushes TS/NVE mapping, anycast gateway IP/MAC and outer IP mapping to each NVE ARP Request ARP Reply ARP Proxy

Comparison between VRRP and anycast gateway solution July 2014NVO3 Anycast Gateway5 DimensionVRRPAnycast gatway solution Network bandwidth usage LowHigh Keep alive workloadVRRP Session per VNNo Network resilience VRRP SwitchoverUnderlying network convergence

Next Steps July 20146NVO3 Anycast Gateway Solicit other comments and suggestions.