User Manual For ATM Cash Withdrawal
ATM Cash withdrawal-Manual Pikachu will guide you throughout the ATM cash withdrawal process
Visit the nearest ATM Centre with your ATM Card. Step 1:
Step 2: Insert your ATM card into the ATM
Step 3: After the machine validates your card, it prompts a message “ SELECT YOUR LANGUAGE.”
Step 4: Kindly select your language of convenience.
Step 5: Enter your four digit secret PIN number when instructed
Step 6: After confirming the authentication the machine displays the following options: Cash withdrawal / Mini Statement / Change PIN/Balance enquiry.
Step 7: Select Cash withdrawal.
Step 8: Select your account type as Savings/Current Account
Step 9: Enter the amount to be withdrawn using number keys provided and click enter button. (Ensure your account has proper balance to withdraw the amount entered.)
Step 10: Kindly wait and collect your money from the machine.
Step 11: For another transaction select ‘yes’ to the question “Would you like to have another transaction?”.
Step 12: To quit select ‘No’ to the question.
Cautionary Notes: Avoid using ATM centres without securities. In case of any problem – the card being struck / card not validated don’t panic. Call Toll free number:1800XXXXXX. Always ensure your account has proper balance before starting withdrawal. Never enter your PIN wrong more than three times. Your card will be blocked for 24 hours as safety measure
THANK YOU By: A. Anusha V. Santhosh Sherin Mithra Ramya Sanjeeva Harini & Pikachu