Listening Part II Lesson 20 August 25, 2012 Facilitators Allynne & Scott
Warm-Up Presented by Fatíma!!!!!
Movers & Shakers Everyone needs to stand in the middle of the classroom. You will listen to the statement that I read and decide if it is true or false. If it is true, you stand up and if it is false you have to sit down. Ready!!!
Minimal Pairs The th sound in English!!!!! Practice saying this sound /s/sssssssssss Put your tongue between your teeth and say sssssss Now with your tongue in your teeth say: Cida sabe sambar.
Minimal Pairs sankThankfoughtthought sinkthinkfretthreat sinthinfreethree treethreemassmath Tickthickpasspath MouseMouthTentTenth MattMathBootBooth OafOathDeafdeath MiffMythDayThey DoughThoughDozethose DenThenDareThere Truethrough
Fish & Pick up Card Game In groups of five, do the following Match the words to their minimal pairs i.e. tree/free Check answers with the teachers Pick up card game ( in two teams) You will hear a word and must find its minimal pair among all the other cards on the floor.
Pronuciation On your cards write one word on each that defines your feeling about pronunciation As a Teacher As a learner
Focused Listening- Predicting ESL Podcast ue_id= # ue_id= #
Predicting-Transcript Nick: I’m turning 40 this year and what do I have to show for it? Danielle: Actually, you’ve accomplished a lot. Do you know what your problem is? Your expectations are too high and your goals are unattainable for most people. Nick: Not for me. They shouldn’t have been. I had my life all planned out and nothing is turning out the way it should. Danielle: I would never have pegged you for someone with regrets about how his life has turned out. Nick: But I was supposed to make my first million dollars by the time I was 30. By 35, I should have met someone and settled down, maybe had a child or two. None of that has panned out. Danielle: You have lots of friends and a full life. Maybe things didn’t turn out the way you had imagined, but wouldn’t you say you were generally content? Nick: I was before I started thinking about my upcoming birthday. Danielle: Then stop thinking about it. Too much brooding could definitely lead to regrets – not to mention premature aging!
Dictacomp Listening Listen to the following dialog and jot down key words. After, in pairs write down and reconstruct the dialog. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same.
Dictacomp transcript Girl: Dad, I'm bored today. I want to go to a movie? Dad: A movie today? Well, I don't know. Here. Let me look at the newspaper. Okay. Ah, here's a movie that starts in the afternoon at 2:45. Well, should we take mommy with us? Girl: Yeah. Dad: Okay, we have to wait for mommy because she's at a meeting right now. Girl: Okay. Dad: Alright. And what should we do after we see the movie? Girl: Go on a walk. Dad: Well, where would you like to go on a walk? Would you like to go down to the beach or through the park? Girl: To the beach. Dad: To the beach. Well, that sounds great. And then maybe we can go out to eat tonight. Does that sound okay? Girl: Yeah.
Dictacomp review What was the goal of the activity? What did you do during listenin? What did you do post listening? Did you practice any other language skill?
Grouping Each person will receive a card with the name of a well known song. You must hum this song and walk around the room. Listen to the others humming their songs. When you find the people who are humming the same song as you, get together and form your group. Why would this be helpful for classroom management?
Making a listening activity With your group members create a short listening activity using the PDP method Make sure the story/dialog is level appropriate for your students? You may need to write a script After creating your listening material, you will record it with a cell phone, or digital camera, and send it to the teachers.
Teaching the Listening After recording one group will teach their listening to everyone This will include Pre/during/post actvities Feedback on the strengths of the lesson and suggestions for improvement.
Using Video in the Classroom A reflection Survey
How can we use videos in the class? Example 1: Using Subtites
Recordings of English Discuss and list all the different types of access learners have to listen to recored English. Do you use podcasts? Do they? TED videos Children’s stories Others???? What can you do to encourage learners to listen outside of class?
Listening Unit What should the goal in listening comprehension? What are the basic elements of a listening activity? Text, context, purpose, task. Out of all the listening activities listed in Snow’s chapter, which one’s are most appropriate for your learners? Show + Tell, TPR, T/F Listening, dictation, dictacomp, dictation for reduced forms, stories, focused listenin, problem solving situations, Talks & lectures, press conferences
Listening Unit cont… Name some ways Snow suggests to evaluate learners’ listening comprehension. When giving a dictation, what can a teacher do to ensure students don’t totally ignore meaning? Free listening resources: html html
For Next Week Homework Read chapter 7 Write in your reflection journal: Have movies/TV shows helped you with your language learning? Do you watch using subtitles? Analyze and list the advantages/disadvantages for viewing media with subtitles and without. What skills and knowledge would be used with each approach?