(TRUTH MATTERS) “The Truth Concerning Death!” Romans 5:12, 18-21.


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Presentation transcript:

(TRUTH MATTERS) “The Truth Concerning Death!” Romans 5:12, 18-21

The living God created man as a living being with the intention…

Man is a unit of body, soul and spirit. As long as the three are united the body is alive. Remove the spirit &/or soul and the physical body dies…

Purpose: to better understand the truth concerning physical death

IDeath is a PENALTY A.Death is Not Natural

They “look so natural” even when alive!

IDeath is a PENALTY A.Death is Not Natural B.Death is the Result of Sin

Sin separates us from God… The wages of sin is death (separation)…

IIDeath is an ENEMY

Death and dying is not doing what comes naturally… It is being overtaken or overwhelmed by an enemy who pursues all from their birth!

IIDeath is an ENEMY A.Death is the Power of Satan

Hebrews 2:14-15 which tells us that Satan has power through fear of death to put people in bondage…

IIDeath is an ENEMY A.Death is the Power of Satan B.Death Has a Fortress Against it

Matthew 16:18 “…and the gates of Hades (power of death) will not prevail against it.”

IIDeath is an ENEMY A.Death is the Power of Satan B.Death Has a Fortress Against it C.Death is the Last Enemy

1 Corinthians 15:25-26 “For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death.”

IIDeath is an ENEMY A.Death is the Power of Satan B.Death Has a Fortress Against it C.Death is the Last Enemy D.Death Gives This Conclusion

Many movements suggests death is “natural…” “harmless…” and even a “beautiful friend.”

IIIDeath is DEFEATED A.We Have Been Delivered

In His Cross and Resurrection, Christ conquered death…

IIIDeath is DEFEATED A.We Have Been Delivered B.We Must Help Deliver Others

Our privilege, our task, our purpose is to be used of God to free friends, family, neighbors and others from the tyranny of sin and death.

He spent the last 15 years of his life a drug addict, too weak in the end to even administer the shots to himself. His 6’4” frame shrunk to 6’1” and he weighed only 90 lbs.

Summary and Conclusion The Bible is all about redemption. Put another way, the Bible reveals God’s solution to the problem of death: spiritual, eternal, AND physical. Christ has delivered whosoever will from the penalty, the power and the fear of death. This is Christianity in a nutshell…