Michigan Employability Skills Teamwork Skills are needed to be successful in the jobs these days.
Actively Participate in a Group Teamwork is a essential skills for the 21 st century jobs of today. Teamwork is a essential skills for the 21 st century jobs of today.
Know The Group Rules and Values Know the rules of your group as well as the values. Know the rules of your group as well as the values.
Listen to Other Group Members Listening is a important skill required in the 21 st century jobs.
Express to Other Group Members Express yourself to other group members don’t be stuck in a ball of emotions. Express yourself to other group members don’t be stuck in a ball of emotions.
Be Sensitive to the Group Member’s Ideas and Views Being sensitive to group member’s is key in 21 st century jobs as well, as in real life
Be willing to Compromise if Necessary to Accomplish the goal Don’t be afraid to compromise if necessary to accomplish the goals in your life. Don’t be afraid to compromise if necessary to accomplish the goals in your life.
Be a Leader or Follower to Best Accomplish the Goal It’s all right to be a leader or follow it doesn’t matter just as long as you accomplish the goal. It’s all right to be a leader or follow it doesn’t matter just as long as you accomplish the goal.
Work in Changing Settings and with People of Different Backgrounds There might be times where you will have to work in changing settings and with people that have different backgrounds but all you can do is deal with it and try and make friends with them. There might be times where you will have to work in changing settings and with people that have different backgrounds but all you can do is deal with it and try and make friends with them.