WHAT IS COMPETENCY? It’s an underlying characteristic of a person which enables him /her to deliver superior performance in a given job, role or a situation. Competencies are personal characteristics that contribute to effective managerial performance.
COMPONENTS OF COMPETENCY KNOWLEDGE- refers to the information a person possesses about specific areas. It comprises of many factors like memory, numerical ability, linguistic ability. SKILL- represents intelligent application of knowledge, experience, and tools.
COMPONENTS OF COMPETENCY ATTITUDE- Attitudes are predispositions to other individuals, groups, objects, situations, events, issues, etc. Attitudes decide our approach or avoidance behaviour. They are normally conceptualized as positive or negative.
COMPONENTS OF COMPETENCY Knowledge and skills tend to be visible and relatively surface, characteristics of people. But attitude, trait and motive competencies are more hidden “deeper” and central to personality.
WHO IDENTIFIES COMPETENCIES? Competencies can be identified by one of more of the following category of people: Experts HR Specialists Job analysts Psychologists
BEHAVIOUR INDICATORS A Competency is described in terms of key behaviours that enables recognition of that competency at the work place. These behaviours are demonstrated by excellent performers on-the-job much more consistently than average or poor performers.
Some key behaviour indicators in an employee Independently researches for information and solutions to issues. Ability to know what needs to be done or find out and take steps to get it done. Ask questions when not sure of what the problem is or to gain more information. Shows willingness to experiment with new things. Develops a list of decision making guidelines to help arrive at logical solutions.
CLASSIFICATION OF COMPETENCY BASIC COMPETENCIES - Basic competencies are inherent in all individuals, only their degree of existence differs. For example, problem solving is a competency that exists in every individual but in varying degrees. ORGANISATIONAL COMPETENCIES – competencies in an organisation.
TYPES OF BASIC COMPETENCIES Intellectual Competencies: determine the intellectual ability of a person. 2. Motivational Competencies: determine the level of motivation in an individual. 3. Emotional Competencies: determine an individual's emotional quotient. 4. Social Competencies: determine the level of social ability in a person.
GENERIC COMPETENCIES Competencies which are considered essential for all staff, regardless of their function or level. Communication, program execution, processing tools, linguistic, etc.
MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES Competencies which are considered essential for staff with managerial or supervisory responsibility in any service or program. Customer Orientation, Organizing Skills, Planning Skills, Execution Skills, Analytical Skills, Decision Making, Delegation, Leadership, Developing and supporting subordinates for effectiveness.
TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES Specific competencies which are considered essential to perform any job in the organization within a defined technical or functional area of work. Example is business awareness, business skills, technical skills.
WHAT IS COMPETENCY MAPPING? A process through which one assesses and determines one's strengths as an individual worker and in some cases, as part of an organization. It examines two areas - emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and strengths of the individual in areas like team structure, leadership, and decision-making.
WHAT IS COMPETENCY MAPPING? Competency mapping not only acts as a useful tool for the organisation but also aids an individual's competency. Large organizations use competency mapping to analyze the combination of strengths in different workers to produce the most effective teams and the highest quality work.
WHAT IS COMPETENCY MAPPING? It has been a general observation that hard work, sincerity, knowledge, intelligence alone does not make a person a star performer in his/her profession. Good managers are generally aware about different qualities a person must possess to do a job effectively, and they make use of their knowledge to select and train their subordinates.
WHAT IS COMPETENCY MAPPING? Organisational psychologists have refined this understanding and converted it into a structural and formal process called Competency Mapping. It is one of the most powerful tools:- aiding the improvement for the HR professionals in finding the right employee for a job. development of the employed person in doing the assigned job effectively.
PROCESS OF COMPETENCY MAPPING Competency Mapping process is designed to consistently measure and assess individual and group performance as it relates to the expectations of the organization and its customers. It is used to identify key attributes (knowledge, skills, and behavior attributes) that are required to perform effectively in a job or an identified process.
PROCESS OF COMPETENCY MAPPING Competency Mapping juxtaposes two sets of data: Based on organizational workflow and processes. Based on individual and group performance capabilities.
METHODOLOGY OF COMPETENCY MAPPING LAYING DOWN OF OBJECTIVES: To establish a Competency Model to create a benchmark for all the employees in the organization and will help in performing all HR functions more efficiently. To map the competencies of the existing employees and understand where they fall low or average in comparison to the competencies essential for their job.
METHODOLOGY OF COMPETENCY MAPPING PREPARATION OF ROLE PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE: 2 tools are used. Rank order rating- finds out which competencies are required for each job/role and their order of importance to each profile. Behavioural Event Interview- a set of open ended questions to find out the STAR’s (Situation, Task, Action and Results).
METHODOLOGY OF COMPETENCY MAPPING COLLECTION OF RESPONSES:- Employees are asked to fill up the questionnaire. Responses are collected from the employees by one on one interaction. ANALYSIS:- Based on the ratings provided by each employee to the different competencies. Highest rated competencies form the critical competencies in the Competency model and the others follow in the other categories. Opportunity Algorithm is used to map the current competencies of the employees in relation to the competencies rated by the employees in question.
METHODOLOGY OF COMPETENCY MAPPING FINDINGS:- With the help of the Opportunity Algorithm and the ratings provided by the employees, the Competency Model and the Competency Scorecard for each employee can be established.
PROCESS OF COMPETENCY MAPPING Preparation of Questionnaire Collection of Responses Analysis Findings
NEED FOR COMPETENCY MAPPING Increased cost of manpower. Need for ensuring that competent people are available for performing various critical roles. Downsizing adds to the consequent need to get a lot of things done with fewer people and thus reduce manpower costs and pass on the advantage to the customer.
NEED FOR COMPETENCY MAPPING Recognition that technology, finances, customers and markets, systems and processes can all be set right or managed effectively if we have the right kind of human resources. Recognition of the strategic advantage given by employee competencies in building the core competencies of the organization.
AREAS OF IMPLEMENTATION Recruitment and selection Training and Development determine competencies for a particular position, identify gaps in terms of the competencies for that role and the competencies of the person doing that role to diagnose the training and development needs. Career and succession planning assessing employees potential to take on new challenges, matching the competency profile of an individual to the set of competencies required for excellence within a profession.
AREAS OF IMPLEMENTATION Rewards and Recognition: One way of improving employee performance is by recognizing and rewarding effort. Competency pay is the best way to do so. To attract more competent than average employees. To motivate employees to maintain and enhance their skills and competencies regularly. Performance Management System: Focus on “HOW” of performance and not on “WHAT” of performance i.e. not on results but how the results are achieved, Link to development of the individual and not just rewards.
ADVANTAGES OF COMPETENCY MAPPING For the company Improved job satisfaction, better employee retention. Increase in effectiveness of training and professional development programs. Provides a common understanding of scope and requirements of a specific role.
ADVANTAGES OF COMPETENCY MAPPING For the company Help companies “raise the bar” of performance expectations. Help teams and individuals align their behaviors with key organizational strategies.
ADVANTAGES OF COMPETENCY MAPPING For Managers Identify performance criteria to improve the accuracy and ease of the selection process. Easier communication of performance expectations.
ADVANTAGES OF COMPETENCY MAPPING For employees Provide a more specific and objective assessment of their strengths and the tools required to enhance their skills. Enhances clarity on career related issues. Helps each understand how to achieve expectations.
DISADVANTAGES OF COMPETENCY MAPPING 1. Especially when conducted by an organization, there may be no room for an individual to work in a field that would best make use of his or her competencies. 2. If the company does not respond to competency mapping by reorganizing its employees, then it can be of little short-term benefit and may actually result in greater unhappiness on the part of individual employees.
DISADVANTAGES OF COMPETENCY MAPPING 3. If too much emphasis is placed on 'inputs' at the expense of 'outputs', there is a risk that it will favor employees who are good in theory but not in practice and will fail to achieve the results that make a business successful. 4. They can become out of date very quickly due to the fast pace of change in organizations and it can therefore be expensive and time consuming to keep them up-to-date.
CONCLUSION It’s a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. Competent employees have become need of the hour in every organization and it is now essential that they undertake competency mapping.
REFERENCES Vani Venugopal “Competency Mapping-an overview” 20th july,2009, available at (, assessed at 8 pm on 1st june,2011. “Steps of Competency mapping”, available at (, assessed at 9 pm on 1st june,2011.