RMS IB Questionnaire February 18, 2013
Name the 8 subjects of the MYP and explain each one.
1.Language A (Language Arts) 2.Language B (Spanish and Chinese) 3.Humanities (Social Studies) 4.Sciences 5.Mathematics 6.Physical Education 7.Arts 8.Technology (integrated)
How should the practices in our school be changing? How does that look in your class?
1.More global connections. 2.Connections to the Areas of Interaction. 3.Connections to the IB Learner Profile. 4.Ongoing student reflections. 5.More critical thinking.
How do you teach the IB Learner Profile?
1.Inquirers 2.Knowledgeable 3.Thinkers 4.Communicators 5.Principled 6.Caring 7.Balanced 8.Reflective 9.Open-Minded 10.Risk Takers
How do you integrate the IB Policies in your class (Academic Honesty, Assessment, Language and Special Education Needs)?
The Academic Honesty policy covers student integrity and plagiarism. The Assessment Policy discusses all assessments implemented in the school as well as how parents and students are informed about progress. The Language Policy is universal for the entire school. It covers how we integrate Language A and Language B in all subjects. Special Education Needs Policy outlines the expectations of maintaining high expectations for all students.
How does our vision align with the IBO vision for International Baccalaureate schools?
The IBO mission: The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. Ridgeway’s mission is designed to create global learners and thinkers. The school has a vision to have all students engaged in ongoing reflections that drive students to become more compassionate and international minded. This is also done through our clubs.
Explain how the Learner Profile and International Mindedness fit together.
The Learner Profiles provide a long- term vision of education. It is a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of schools and teachers, uniting them in a common purpose. By instilling these values early, students will become more reflective and sensitive to international concepts.
Give examples of how you are addressing students’ mother tongues? What does the school do to address students’ mother tongues?
Mother tongue is integrated in all subjects. Students are also exposed to cross curriculum activities. Writing is an expectation in all classes. Allow students to use their mother tongue in class. Example, write Roadrunner Challenge in another language. Mission announced in another language. Require students to pair up with another student to practice. Accountable Talk Presentations in Class
Describe vertical planning (same subject, different grades). Describe horizontal planning (same grade).
1.Weekly departmental meetings. 2.Common Planning time for teams. 3.Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
What are the 5 Areas of Interaction? Give an example of how you use the AOI for teaching in your classroom.
1.Approaches to Learning (ATL is in every unit plan) 2.Community and Service 3.Human Ingenuity 4.Health and Social Education 5.Environments
What is the process of reflecting on planners in your grade level?
Reflections should be done throughout the unit by both teachers and students. Exit Slips Roadrunner Challenge
Where can I go to learn more about the MYP? How has your role changed as a teacher in the MYP?
1.Every teacher has a login to the Online Curriculum Centre (OCC). 2.The school also has a Weebly page.
How do you inform students about assessments?
1.ParentConnect 2.Rubrics 3.Edmodo 4.Gaggle 5.
RMS IB Policies
The Academic Honesty policy covers student integrity and plagiarism. The Assessment Policy discusses all assessments implemented in the school as well as how parents and students are informed about progress. The Language Policy is universal for the entire school. It covers how we integrate Language A and Language B in all subjects. Special Education Needs Policy outlines the expectations of maintaining high expectations for all students.