At the end of this tutorial you will review the basic structure of an introduction paragraph in an essay and look at a few examples for how to write a thesis sentence.
The key to an effective persuasive essay is it’s introduction. You need to : Get the readers attention and convince them to keep reading. And hopefully get them to agree to your views Write a thesis statement that states your position on the topic. List your arguments on the topic. Write a few sentences that explain why this topic is important to the reader, people will keep on reading if you convince them that they will benefit from what you are about to tell them. Steps to a great introduction:
Interesting quote or statement related to the topic Startling fact related to the topic Anecdote or personal story Then move into thesis. See the next slides for examples on thesis options. Finally list off your arguments and transition into the body of the essay. You can either list them or generally imply those arguments. Set up of the Paragraph:
Types of Thesis Sentences We will now look at different ways to set up your thesis!
Situation/Stance Topic Sentences Although some parents buy cell phones for their children, this is a serious mistake. Many teenagers believe that cell phone are a necessity, these devices cause many problems. If your school adopts a uniform policy, school climate will improve immediately. Even though my allowance has remained the same for the last couple of years, I believe it needs to be increased. Thesis Sentence Suggestions
Many children carry cell phones, but it is a big mistake. Teenagers need cell phones, so parents should purchase phones for them immediately. Our school adopted a uniform dress code, but the school climate has not improved significantly. A small allowance is a thing of the past, so my allowance must be increased. FAN BOYS Thesis Sentences (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)
Elementary school children want to carry cell phones; however, it is a bad idea. Many parents wonder why their child needs a cell phone; however, from a teen’s point of view, it’s necessity. Our school adopted a uniform dress code; as a result, the school climate significantly improved. As my age and responsibilities increase; sadly my allowance does not, this needs to change. Semicolon Thesis Sentences
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