Life situation 1. Retirement Slow down and enjoy life 2. Grandparent 3. Living arrangements Become independent and live in their own homes Myths: all live in retirement homes, nursing homes, live with kids or buy condo 4. Ego integrity Belief that life is meaningful and worthwhile even when your physical abilities decline Accept death as part of life
Death and Dying We all must face it sometime in our lives Everyone tries to avoid it Pretend nothings wrong Refuse to talk about it Put make up on the dead so they look livelier Refuse to let kids see dying grandparents
Thanatology Study of death and dying Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Psychologist studied death and dying Created stages
Stages of dying
Denial Refuse to believe your dying Exp: “it can’t be me. The doctor’s diagnosis must be wrong.”
Anger People at this stage might think, “It’s unfair. Why me.?
Bargaining If I do this maybe I will live longer EXP: “I’ll be kinder if I can see my grandson graduate.”
Depression The person may despair and wonder, “What’s the use of living another day?”
Acceptance The person reasons, “I’ve had a good life. I’m ready to die.”
Dying is part of life. Have no regrets!! Live everyday to the fullest!!!
Dying with dignity Need security and self- confidence Feel supported and cared for from their family Need to know that their dying wishes will be carried out Relief from pain Problem: should doctors give patients pain killers even if they are highly addictive?
Hospice or Hospital? Homelike place where dying people and their families given support to help them cope Allow to chose activities, diet and medication No restricted visiting hours Can be given the hospice care at home Rules det. Patients treatment Limited visiting hours Very little caring support with other medical staff
Euthanaisa? Also called mercy killing Very controversial issue Some physicians considered it when there is no hope for a person’s recovery Person been in a coma for long period of time, pain is so severe they can no longer take it
Dr. Kevorkian
Debate No?OR Yes?
The living will Legal document You decided if you want to be kept alive when there is no hope of survival You decide if you want artificial support and how long