Look at these pictures
laughingcrying drawing typing
thinking expressions
happy expressions friendly
angry expressions
naughty expressions
worried expressions
sad expressions
cross the fingers silence
happy, smile shocked FACIAL EXPRESSIONS
surprised satisfied
Good Sign gestures
victory Sign gestures
ok Sign gestures
welcome Body movements
I don’t know. Body movements
Is body language useful? Body language shows all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes and is sometimes more important than spoken language.Body language shows all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes and is sometimes more important than spoken language.
Listen to the text and answer the following questions: 1.When you want to express your thoughts and opinions and to communicate with others, what will you use? Both words and body language. 2. Does body language have the same meaning in different countries? No. 3. What is the best example of universally understood body language? The smile.
We use both words and body language to express … Part 2: (paras2-3) Body language varies from culture to culture. Part 1: (para1) Part 3: (paras4-5) Some gestures seem to be universal 任务一:段落大意
Ways to communicate words body language Read the first paragraph together and try to answer the question
ring finger thumb index finger middle fingerlittle finger
1. eye contact Body language varies from culture to culture show interest rude or disrespectful 2. Ok Japan : money France : zero Brazil and Germany: rude 3. thumbs up US: great or good job Nigeria : rude Germany and Japan: Number 1
Task 4 Tell different meanings of body language in different countries. 任务四 : 身势语的跨文化性
The gesture we use for “yes” and “no” are different around the world Nodding head Shaking head Yes No Opposite in Bulgaria and Iran
France and Russia: Other countries: kiss on the cheek a firm handshake a loving hug a bow The way people greet each other is different around the world a nod of the head
I am tiredI am fullI am hungry press palms/rest your head on it/ eyes closed move hand in circle pat stomach Universal gestures
Exercise Join the phrases together to make new sentences. waving one’s hand patting one’s stomach holding up one’s head putting up one’s hand shaking one’s fist is to say “I am not afraid.” to say “I am hungry.” to say”Goodbye” to say’let me try.” to show anger.
the mysterious and ever-lasting smile the charming and unforgettable smile get through difficult situations find friends open doors and tear down walls use it to apologize or to greet someone to ask for help or to start a conversation of friendshipof conflicts Part 3
Body language is different in different countries. So when we are in other countries, we should remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do! 入乡随俗 Summary