The Three Phase Approach to Regaining Energy
What is a “gut” reaction?
Bacteria: Good or Bad? Viruses, after all, give us measles and the flu. Bacteria cause strep throat and food poisoning. Most microbes do not make us sick. Bacteria: Disease and Cures Modern antibiotics, which kill good microbes along with the bad, new drugs may kill only harmful bacteria while leaving the friendly ones alone.
Physical Issues Asthma/Allergies Autism Autoimmune Disease Cancer Dental Cavities Depression and Anxiety Diabetes Eczema Ulcers Obesity
1. Antibiotics - These destroy bacteria in the body, both good and bad. If you take antibiotics, supplement your body with new probiotics immediately afterwards to rebuild your reserves. 2. Birth control pills/steroidal/hormonal drugs 3. Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods. 4. Dietary toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut
5. Coffee - Coffee drinkers will surely be disappointed to learn this. Limit your intake of coffee, or just up your regular supplementation of probiotics to help compensate. 6. Chronic stress 7. Chronic infections 8. Radiation - Avoid sources of radiation, such as chemotherapy, x-rays, and microwaves.
9. Additives/preservatives - Eat organic, pure foods as much as possible. Avoid processed foods. 10. Pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers - Buy and eat organic foods whenever possible. 11. Stress - While you can't completely eliminate stressors from your life, you can limit and reduce the amount of them.