I-75 South Metro Managed Lanes
Project Description Two reversible toll lanes along I-75 South 12 miles from SR 155 to SR 138 Anticipated opening date January 2017 Dynamic priced tolling to maintain speed Tolling by Peach Pass and interconnections Part of the Georgia Express System
Current Situation Travel time at posted speed limits 11.3 min Travel time at present approximately 19 min 2035 travel time without lanes up to 28 min No benefit to transit or ride sharing for using existing lanes at the present Current situation is unsustainable
General Concerns Limited access has some impact Not for everyone every day Signage to inform travelers of service limits Passenger and transit traffic only Plans for emergency response in lanes
Project Benefits Immediate benefit of $180 Million spending Gain reliability of travel times when needed Reduce travel times by 6 to 12 minutes in express lanes and over 3 minutes in others Effectively expands workforce by 50,000 in 45 to 60 minute commuting range
Resources More information at Regular construction updates available at Managed Lanes Informational Video