Emergency Response System for Android Phones By: Sudhanshu Mishra
Agenda Introduction Challenges Approach Related Work ERS Prototype
Introduction Smart Applications: Applications which can extract available context and intent information to provide smart solution for user’s request. Example: Is it Smart? – Search for Information: KeywordSearch Thousands of Results
Smarter search for Information: Android Systems -> Lot of Sensors Information, Knowledge of User activities -> Context specific needs -> Smart application Keyword Search Refined Results ContextIntent
Challenges Making an application Smart: Extracting Context ?? Correct Intent?? Extract Correct Information ?? Correct User Representation ??
Possible Approach Verify whether context information required for application can be extracted from available sensors in Android or user activity. Utilize the user intent to narrow down the possible requests. Extract the most accurate information based on context and intent information. It may be incorrect some times, but overall it should help to improve productivity. Customize the User display to accelerate the task completion and backtrack easy in case of an error.
Emergency Response System Prototype of Context & Intent based Information extraction with narrow scope. Keyword: Hospital Search Contact details of nearest Hospital Context : Based on GPS Location Intent: Emergency Contacts
ERS Implementation Modules of Code: Extract the GPS information. Make a Local search for keyword with given location in database. Verify the nearest resource. Extract the contact information. Display it to user.
ERS Screen-shots
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