تحت اشراف ا / مها عبد السلام عبد القادر الاصيل فصل 1-3
Part one content
What do you think is the biggest animal on land?
Do you think dinosaurs are still alive?
What do you know about dinosaurs?
Give some names of dinosaurs?
Which dinosaur is as big as ten elephant?
Which dinosaur is as small as a plane?
Which dinosaur can fly?
Part two Using the computer skills
1- Can you switch on and switch off the computer? a-yes b- no
2-Can you make new folder? A- yes b- no
3-Do you know office programs? a-yes b- no
4-can you use word program? a-yes b- no
5-can you use powerpoint program? a-yes b- no
6-can you use Excel program? a-yes b- no
7-can you use Excel program? a-yes b- no
part three 21 st century skills
1- Can you work with partners? a-yes b- no c- sometimes
2- Do you like to work alone? a-yes b- no c- sometimes
3- If you have a problem, would you ask for help or try to solve it by yourself ?
4- Can you express your opinion freely? a-yes b- no c- sometimes
5- Do you prefer to receive assessment from others? a-yes b- no c- sometimes