Hamilton Wealthy or Common Man? Manufacturing or Agriculture? Federal or State Power? Strict or Loose interpretation? England or France? Strict or Loose interpretation? Federal or State Power? Manufacturing or Agriculture? Wealthy or Common Man? England or France? Jefferson Wealthy Common Word Bank England France Manufacturing Agriculture Federal State Strict Loose Political Party? Federalist Republican Political Party?
Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume or pay the debts of all 13 states to make the federal government more powerful. Type here Type Here Type ere Type Here Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan Alexander Hamilton wanted the federal government to create a NATIONAL BANK to handle the nation’s finances.
Wealthy speculators have bought up the old bonds from the common people at a fraction of their worth Type here Type ere Type Here Jefferson Objects to Hamilton’s Financial Plan Type Here If the federal government pays off the debts of each state, the states will owe gratitude to the federal government and will lose power. Many of the states have already paid their debt, why should they pay twice?
Type Here Jefferson Type Here Hamilton