In the name of Allah
Scientific & Technical Presentation Leila Sharif Sharif University of Technology
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript
Technical papers usually consist of the following components: 1.Title – should be concise & to the point, contain main keywords, denote the specialty of the work, all in less than about 10 words (or 3 lines). Usually in uppercase & boldface. 2.Abstract – summary of the paper (not more that 150~200 words) including a brief description of the problem, its importance, related existing work, main proposed solution, & conclusions. No cited references or displayed equations. Written in one paragraph.
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript 3.Keywords – selected for computerized search. Contains about 4~6 words (in the order of importance). 4.Introduction – defines the scope & limitations of the work. It contains the definition, scientific importance, historical background, & relevance to other areas. Properly describe & reference the related work. Give your description about other algorithms. Briefly describe the proposed solution, how it is different from & superior to other existing solutions. Clearly state the conclusion. Last paragraph is a summary of the paper structure.
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript 5.Proposed Algorithm – describes the proposed solution. Highlight your contributions. State the model assumptions clearly. Use flowcharts & figures to illustrate the solution. 6.Experimental Results – give a complete performance analysis (not Simulation Results). State resource characteristics (size, resolution, etc.). Use figures, tables & charts to interpret results. Chosen parameter values should make sense. Show the average values & confidence intervals. Describe simulation time, computer type, & the used language.
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript 7.Figures – place immediately after where they are referred to, at the top of the next page, or at the end of the paper. Some space should be left above & below each figure. Should be readable without relying on the accompanying description in the text. All symbols should be explained in the legend. Caption appears in below & ends with a point. Previously published material must be accompanied by written permission from the author & publisher. Figures should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. Figure numbers should not appear inside parenthesis.
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript 8.Tables – insert in the text as close to the point of reference as possible. Should be readable without relying on the accompanying description in the text. Some space should be left above & below the table. Tables should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. Numbers should not appear inside parenthesis. Captions are to be centralized above them. All used symbols should be described.
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript 9.Equations – number consequently in each section, with the number set flush right & enclosed in parentheses. Refer to equations using parenthesis (e.g., Eq. (4.1)). 10.Conclusions – summarizes what you have done, the difficulties, & concludes based on results. Include the future research direction. Preferably, written in one paragraph. 11.Acknowledgement – comes before the appendix if any. Should be unnumbered. 1.Funding information may also be included.
Points on Writing a Scientific Manuscript 12.Appendix – contains materials deemed inessential to understanding but included for completeness, & detailed mathematical proofs. Comes before the References. With more that one appendix, numbered alphabetically. Number displayed equations in the way, e.g. (A.1). 13.References – use more readily available papers. Follow the determined standard bibliography format precisely. All should be cited in the text. Should be unnumbered.
Submitting a Scientific Manuscript Originality – paper should not be either published or considered for publication in another journal or conference. Submission – submit, most, papers electronically,.dvi, or.pdf formats as attachments to an message to the Editor-in-Chief. Indicate author in contact’s , postal address, & the fax number.
Submitting a Scientific Manuscript Acknowledgement & Refereeing – the Editor-in- Chief will acknowledge receipt of the submitted paper. If the Editor-in-Chief considers the paper to be appropriate, it will be refereed. Copyright – for accepted papers for publications, the authors are assumed to have the copyright transferred to the publisher. Submission of Final Version – the final version (the camera ready version) should exactly follow the style file provided by the publisher.
SUT Thesis Guide