To Introduction to Crime Prevention Part I TCLEOSE Course #2101 ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of.


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Presentation transcript:

To Introduction to Crime Prevention Part I TCLEOSE Course #2101 ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2010

WELCOME TS S C IC J S On behalf of The T exas S chool S afety Center (TxSSC) and The I nstitute for C riminal Justice S tudies (ICJS) – Texas State University welcome to Introduction to Crime Prevention Part I – TCLEOSE #2101.

ICJS ICJS was created in 1974 as part of the Department of Criminal Justice at Southwest Texas State University. Since then ICJS has trained more than 75,000 civilian and military criminal justice professionals from Texas, 46 other states and seven foreign countries. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

DIRECTOR ICJS George D. Little Cell: (210) Website: ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

Contact Information INSTITUTE for CRIMINAL JUSTICE STUDIES 350 N. Guadalupe, Suite 140, PMB 164 San Marcos, Texas ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)

COURSE OBJECTIVES Crime Prevention preventing deterring crime To provide you with a basic understanding of Crime Prevention and fundamental concepts and techniques for preventing and deterring crime. skills to conduct a home inspection To provide you with the skills to conduct a home inspection ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

COURSE OBJECTIVES concepts To provide you with a basic understanding and working knowledge of the concepts of: Security technology & devices Objectives of Security Types of Security Barriers. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

COURSE OBJECTIVES liability To provide you with a basic understanding of the liability associated with advising or making recommendations to reduce the opportunity for crime.

business commercialsecurity survey To provide you with the basic knowledge to conduct a business commercial security survey and make realistic recommendations to remove or reduce obvious crime risk COURSE OBJECTIVES ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

COURSE CONTENT The ICJS instructor – mentor staff will teach you: History & Principals of Crime Prevention. Improving Police Community Relations. Concepts of Security Locks, barriers, doors, windows, landscaping & security Lighting.

Safes Security Alarms (Home & Business) Business Crime Prevention Robbery Awareness Internal Theft Shoplifting awareness Checks and Credit Cards COURSE CONTENT – Cont’d ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

COURSE CONTENT – Cont’d CCTV Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Homeowners Inspections Commercial Business Crime Prevention Survey Reports Commercial Business Surveys Community Preparedness (Homeland Security) Liabilities ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

COURSE CONTENT – Cont’d Practical: Research, develop and present a CCTV presentation (Public Speaking Skills) Practical: Conduct an actual home inspection Practical: Conduct an actual Business (Commercial) Crime Prevention Survey, complete and submit a survey report ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

STUDENT NOTEBOOK AGENDA (we just covered this) FORMS INSTRUCTOR BIOS DAY ONE THROUGH DAY FIVE with sub sections and student handouts of what you will learn each day This notebook is for your personal use only as a Crime Prevention Practitioner. The contents therein are the intellectual property of CSCS and ICJS and are not to be duplicated, copied, sold and/or used for anything other than its intended purpose as a student guide.

PORTFOLIO & POLO SHIRT Your ICJS Crime Prevention portfolio contains a writing pad, ink pen, 6-inch ruler and mini flash light. Everything you need to get started as a Crime Prevention Practitioner. You will receive your ICJS Crime Prevention Polo shirt on Thursday, afternoon please wear it for graduation on Friday. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES Attendance: We need your cooperation and punctual attendance at each session to ensure educational environment and integrity of training is maintained. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued TCL EOS E TCLEOSE: This course is conducted under the rules of the T exas C ommission on L aw E nforcement O fficer S tandards & E ducation. To receive credit (certification) you must attend all sessions. You may not miss more than 4-hours. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued Special Course Assignments: You will have out-of-class assignments that will require you to do some research and preparation. In addition you will have a long day on Wednesday and can expect to be involved with this course on that day late (approximately 11:30 pm) or later. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

THIS SOUNDS LIKE WORK! ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued emergency EMERGENCIES: If you have an emergency, notify the course coordinator to determine if you are eligible to complete the course by doing make-up work. CELL PHONES: Please silence all cell phones and pagers by setting them now to silent and/or vibrate. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued BREAKS: Breaks are provided regularly and are timed to accommodate the instructors and their lesson plan objectives. If you got to go… got to go…so GO

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued BREAKS: Your ICJS instructors have been in your shoes many light-years ago. All instructors will do their best to give you a break upon the hour – however they know where you need to be at any point and time during this course. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued WEAPONS: Stay holstered (secured) and SAFETY is and will be exercised at all times. TOBACCO: All tobacco products are prohibited in the classroom.

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued Emergency messages MESSAGES: Emergency messages are delivered immediately – all others during breaks.. INSTRUCTORS: If you have any problems or challenges during this course please contact an ICJS instructor immediately for assistance. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued FILL IN THE BLANKS FILL IN THE BLANKS: There are “NONE” so you can focus on listening to your instructor. THREE LEARNING MODALITIES KINETIC – AUDITORY - VISUAL ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES - Continued You will have a “Define & Process” form that you must complete at the end of each lesson. THANK YOU: FOR YOUR PROFESSIONALISM and COOPERATION. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

PROFESSIONAL GUIDELINES Show respect for your instructors Maintain a “Positive Mental Attitude” Keep an “Open Mind” If you disagree with an instructor make sure you see them at end of lesson and in a professional manner address your concern or issue for clarification Only a “FOOL” thinks they know everything. We all continually learn. Your Instructors are here to help you, and they will if you let them

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS ICJS REGISTRATION FORM: Please take a minute and complete this form. Please print legibly Please print legibly. TCLEOSE PID#No SSN You Must list your TCLEOSE PID# to get credit (No SSN).. ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

Must have all TCLEOSE PID numbers by Wednesday morning - latest. TCLEOSE Course #2101 Course is Introduction to Crime Prevention Part I, TCLEOSE Course #2101 legible Please print legible and complete all required information ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS Continued ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS Continued Crime Prevention Part I – Speaker (presenter) evaluation forms: You have five (5) forms one for each day. speakers name and topic Please write in the speakers name and topic and a number (1being poor to 5 being excellent) for each of the 5 categories.

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS Continued each Please complete and hand in one form at the end of each day before you are released. Please take time and do an honest and fair evaluation. Keep it professional and not personal (if the situation were reversed how would you want to be evaluated if it were you)

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS Speaker Eval Continued Were all learning objectives covered? (Was information relevant?) Did the speaker answer your questions? Did the speaker hold your attention? What was the speakers presentation attitude? What was your opinion of the presentation. (please justify any negative comments or areas that can be improved on the reverse side)

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS Speaker Eval Continued FINAL COURSE EVALUATION FINAL COURSE EVALUATION: Each student will complete a final Crime Prevention Part I course evaluation form Graduation Certificates: Each student meeting all course requirements and scoring 70% or higher will receive a certificate of completion (Diploma) ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

GRADING SCHEME TEST TEST – 50 questions from material presented up to test time Site) Survey Report Written Crime Prevention Security (Site) Survey Report You must achieve a combined passing score of 70% to complete the requirements of this course ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

Course Grading Matrix Written Test =50 Points 10 Points Assignments & Participation = 10 Points Survey Report =40 Points Total: 100 Points P articipants must complete all out-of- class assignments! ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009

PRE - TEST TEST TEST – 50 questions designed to test your current knowledge level. (Each question worth 2-points each) Instructors are passing out your test, when you are done take a short break. Students grade Test ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS 2009




Contact Information INSTITUTE for CRIMINAL JUSTICE STUDIES 350 N. Guadalupe, Suite 140, PMB 164 San Marcos, Texas ©TCLEOSE Course #2101 Crime Prevention Part I Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)