Learn + Apply
1. God Had a Special Promise for Abraham Using verses 1-3, describe what God asked Abraham to do and what He promised Abraham if he obeyed. Why does God expect obedience from those to whom He gives His promises? What are some things God asks us to do that are difficult to obey? Why are these things difficult for most people?
1. God Had a Special Promise for Abraham How does living a life of obedience because “I am in a covenant with my Lord and Savior” look different from living a life of conformity because “I serve a cruel master”? How did Abraham’s obedience affect his family?
1. God Had a Special Promise for Abraham How did Abraham’s descendants benefit from his obedience? How do our friends and families benefit from our obedience? In what particular circumstances might one’s friends and family suffer from our disobedience?
2. Abraham Tried to Fix God’s Plan Why would God tell Abraham not to fear? What other things did God say in verse 1 to reassure Abraham? What things do you fear in this life? How did Abraham respond to God’s assurances?
2. Abraham Tried to Fix God’s Plan How do you tend to act when you feel panicked, fearful, or anxious? In verse 4, how did God reassure Abraham? In this instance, had God changed or had Abraham changed? Explain how this statement applies to Abraham’s situation: Never doubt in the dark what you know to be true in the light.
2. Abraham Tried to Fix God’s Plan What did God tell Abraham to do in verse 5 to reinforce His original promise? What impression do you think that made on Abraham? How does God reinforce His promises in our lives today?
3. Abraham Was Considered Righteous Because He Believed God What do you think it means that Abraham “believed the Lord”? Why is the statement, “All you have to do is believe in God to go to Heaven” not an accurate statement? What does the concept “counted as righteousness” mean?
3. Abraham Was Considered Righteous Because He Believed God Based on whose work does God reckon us as righteous? How is that work applied to our lives? What verses of Scripture can you quote by memory that explain that our righteousness falls short of God’s perfect standard?