EUREKA:Suite 영상가시화 및 시뮬레이션 연구실 석사 3 학기 이유경
Introducing EUREKA:Suite Complete Business intelligence easily Provides broadest range of business intelligence tools available, Integrating them into a single Web-based platform from which information can be personalized for every user in your entire organization
Five pieces solve a big Five pieces solve a big puzzle puzzle - EUREKA:Suite four components can be integrated and organized and personalized through a single portal WIQAR server - Web-based integrated Query Analysis and Reporting - java-based technology
EURECA:Intelligence Zero-administration, 100% java Web-based integrated,Query,Analy sis and Reporting tool Manipulate and format data for analysis and reporting
EURECA:Intelligence (Cont ’ d) Make better decision Comprehensive pictures of complete data Easy to use Wizard,screen prompting,scheduling etc An Immediate Impact Reduces costs and security risks Work with existing security systems (LDAP or Exchange) and other application Business to business ready Easier to communication with client business
EURECA:Analyst Advanced,high-speed, specialized analysis for financial forecasting, business modeling etc. combine multiple data sources into a single analytic cube definition quickly examine trends Comparison in focused business areas.
EURECA:Analyst (Cont ’ d) Analytical Modeling Write back to analytic cube and store the revision on the server Accelerated analysis Quickly move relational data into a specialized structure for high speed,memory-based analysis
EURECA:Reporter Deliver reports to enterprise Generates sophisticated interactive report documents Multiple formats (web, spreadsheet, word processing) -multiple publishing media (printers,fax or electronic)
EURECA:Reporter (Cont ’ d) Make better decision Easy to use Visual interface
EURECA:Strategy Delivers high volumes of calculation- intensive, interactive reports from very large database Generate information that feature large numbers of attribute, which are stored in large databases of 100 gigabytes or more
EURECA:Strategy (Cont ’ d) Make better decision Slice-and-dice the data more sophisticated ways Easy to use Agents,triggers and scheduling Grows with your business Inherent scalability and flexibility of relational database technology Handles high user concurrency during peak demand Handles Very large database
EURECA:Portal 100% java server-based platform Accesses appropriate tools into single portal Customized information from all the EUREKA:Suite tools Works other application text,document management, custom system etc..
EURECA:Portal (Cont ’ d) Make better decision a simple,organized presentation of the information Easy to use Multiple features that facilitate its single point-of-entry design Reduces cost and security risks can be administered form central IT organization Scalable and customizable 100% Java code
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