Project X Working Group Meeting January 15, :00 PM Snake Pit
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM2 Agenda Planning for ICD Cost Review –DOE 413.3A Requirement –Office of Science Approval Matrix Requirement Temple Conversation with Lehman Holmes Conversations with Procario –Director’s ICD Cost Review Draft Charge [Temple and All] Draft Committee [Temple and All] –Quick walkthrough of CD-0 Prerequisites for Project X [Temple] –Resource and Schedule Forecast Project X’s CD-0 Prep Status [Kerby, McCluskey] Discussion on Additional Review Preparations [Holmes and All] Possible Schedule for the ICD Cost Review If time permits - Project Timeline [Dean and All] Next Meeting – Third Thursdays [Dean] Status of Action Items
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM3 DOE O Actions Authorized by Critical Decision Approvals
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM4
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM5 Lehman Comments on CD-0 IPR - 1 “That’s a technical review.” For OHEP would probably reference HEPAP priorities and excerpt something from a HEPAP report. That’s what was done for NSLS-II. They did NOT HAVE a separate Mission Need IPR.
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM6 Lehman Comments on CD-0 IPR - 2 Lehman talked with Procario early in the new year –Said had shared these comments with Mike –And noted that they could do a “Technical Review” if that is what is desired by OHEP Temple relayed this input to Holmes who said he’d follow-up with Procario
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM7 Draft Charge
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM8 Tentative Committee
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM9 Quick Walkthrough The following is a quick walkthrough of CD-0 Requirements for Project X mostly slanted to near term actions to prepare for Director’s Cost Review of the Initial Configuration Document. I’ve highlighted slides that were shown and discussed in the September 25 Project X WGM Meeting.
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM10 CD-0 Prerequisites for Project X Perform Pre-conceptual Planning activities that focus on the Program’s strategic goals and objectives, safety planning, and design. Prepare a Mission Need Statement that documents a mission requirement that cannot be met through other than material means. Additionally, the Mission Need Statement will document the potential hazards and their safety, security, and risk implications. –DOE G Mission Need Statement Guide –Mission Need Statement Review. The Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer will review the Mission Need Statement and provide a recommendation to the Program Secretarial Officer Perform Mission Validation Independent Project Review (Lehman Review). A Mission Validation Independent Project Review is a limited review prior to CD-0 for Major System projects. It validates the mission need and the cost range. A Value Study may also be conducted, as appropriate, to assist in CD-0.
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM11 Other Pre CD-0 Work Develop estimate to request Project Engineering and Design (PED) funds. PED funds are requested at CD-0 using a Project Data Sheet as “design only” funds for preliminary and final design. PED funds are not to be used for construction, long-lead procurement, or major equipment items. PED funding requests are developed from historical data or parametric estimates. The objectives for the use of PED funds are to: –Improve the accuracy of the project cost estimate and support establishment of the Performance Baseline –Improve the DOE’s planning, programming, and budgeting process for the acquisition of projects –Provide funds for Value Management (VM) activities PED funds can be made available at CD-1
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM12 Approach Planned Approach - describe what has been considered or what will be analyzed as potential strategies Assumptions Constraints –Technical Risks –Safety Risks –Cost Risks –Schedule Risks –Legal Risks Identify these risks as input to OHEP as they write the MNS Develop Cost Risks for Cost Review
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM13 Resource and Schedule Forecast Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate Range - (-50 percent to +100 percent, for example) of project cost and schedule based on the upper bound of the rough order of magnitude estimate. Estimated Cost - resource planning funding profile with a breakout of project engineering and design funds and an explanation of funding needs to proceed from Critical Decision- 0 to Critical Decision-1. Rough Order of Magnitude Schedule Estimate - identify the estimated dates (fiscal year only) for meeting subsequent Critical Decisions
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM14 Project X CD-0 Prep Status See Presentation by Jim Kerby and Elaine McCluskey
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM15 Possible Schedule for the ICD Cost Review Initial Thoughts –Week of Feb 16 –Week of Mar 16
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM16 Timelines If there’s time, I’d like to get an update of current thinking about these possibilities. Nearly 3 months have gone by since the September 25 WGM. Do we know enough to say one of these is more real than the other?
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM17 Timeline Scenarios 1.Construction Start FY13; PED FY11 2.Construction Start FY14; PED FY12 Assumes: April deadline for CD-0 approval and one budget cycle (18 months) for PED funds availability Construction start = CD-3b approval and one budget cycle (15-18 months) after CD-2
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM18 Case #1Timeline CD-0 Spring 09, PED funds FY11
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM19 Case #2Timeline CD-0 Fall 09, PED funds FY12
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM20 Next Meeting Recurring WGM to be Monthly Third Thursday of each month from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM in the Snake Pit (WH2NE)
OPMO15-Jan-09 Project X WGM21 New Action ItemsPerson Responsible Find out if NSLSII had a CD-0 reviewP Carolan Provide link to SCMS Office of Science CD-0 ProcedureP Carolan to E McCluskey Add Bruce Strauss to meeting invitationS Holmes Clarify whether 5-year resource/schedule window is correct timeframe, or would whole TPC schedule/cost range be presented? P Carolan Talk to Bruce Strauss about CD-0 approval timing and PED funding request for FY11 S Holmes Try to locate CD-0 approval documents from other projectsE McCluskey/P Carolan In-progress Action Items Determine how quickly NSLS-II has achieved its CD’sD Hoffer/E McCluskey Action Items