Welcome to Unit 2 Any Questions So Far?
Getting Ready For Project 1: Unit 3 Read assignment carefully Review Rubric and use as checklist Proof read carefully. Don’t depend on Spell Check alone! Use APA writing style. See sample paper in Doc Sharing. Use KU Library, rather than the Internet to find your articles. If you aren’t familiar with the library, click on the link and take the orientation tour. Questions?
Rules Governing Harm to Humans and Animals in Research A look back at some famous historical experiments: John B. Watson 1920: Little Albert Stanley Milgram : Obedience to Authority Philip Zimbardo 1971: Stanford Prison Experiment These famous experiments have become great teaching tools, but by today’s standards—were they ethical?
Little Albert John B. Watson demonstrated the creation of a classically conditioned fear response in an infant. The child was an orphan. He developed fear of a white rat which generalized to fear of other animals, and even stuffed animals.
Stanley Milgram recruited subjects for an experiment in which they were lead to believe that they were punishing other subjects with lethal doses of shock when instructed by the experimenter. 2/3 of the subjects complied with the experimenter’s requests despite evidence of extreme distress =related =related
Philip Zimbardo recruited college students to take on roles as ‘guards’ and ‘prisoners’ in a simulated prison. Within 48 hours, the ‘guards’ became abusive and the ‘prisoners’ became pathologically submissive. A number of ‘prisoners’ had ‘mental breakdowns’ before Zimbardo finally ended the experiment less than one week in.
What are some of the Major Ethical Issues by Today’s Standards ? 8.02 Informed Consent: Psychologists inform participants of : the purpose of the research Right to decline to participate or withdraw at any time Potential risks, discomfort, adverse reactions 8.03 Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images 8.07 Deception: Psychologists: Do not use deception unless the benefits greatly outweigh the benefits Don’t deceive participants about research that may cause physical harm or emotional distress Explain deception as early as possible 8.08 Debriefing : Psychologists: Fill participants in on the true nature of the research ASAP Take reasonable steps to minimize any harm that may have been caused
If you were a Psychologist at a University and became aware that your colleague was conducting research like any of the experiments we’ve described, what would you do?
I would find out whether the research was sanctioned by the University If Yes, I would accept that everything is in order 8.01 Institutional Approval If No???
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