euroCRIS strategic membership meeting Barcelona – 9-11 November 2015 Role of ISNI in research information management Titia van der Werf-Davelaar Senior Program Officer – OCLC Research
acknowledgements Janifer Gatenby Karen Smith-Yoshimura
What is ISNI? ISNI is the globally recognized and adopted international standard approved by ISO for the unique identification of the public identities of persons and organizations across all fields of creative activity, including researchers, inventors, writers, artists, visual creators, performers, producers, publishers, academic and other types of organizations, aggregators and more. ISNIs are neutral and international in scope. ISNI is an identifier assignment service, offering identifiers that are managed and curated. ISNI serves as a hub, to link local and global environments and acts as a bridging identifier, intended to provide interoperability between different identifiers for the same identity.
Libraries Text Rights Music Rights Trade Sources Encyclopaedias Researchers & Professional Granting organisations Professional Societies Article databases Theses databases cross-domain bridging-domains Archives and Museums
ISNI-IA is a non-profit, community-driven network with contributors representing a broad range of domains such as libraries, rights agencies and publishers. Who is ISNI?
89 text rights management organisations 52 performer rights management organisations 229 music rights management organisations 60,000 member libraries 49 national libraries Who is ISNI?
Why ISNI? For sharing public information about identities online and in databases, across stakeholders, national borders and in the digital environment
“With continuing collaboration and increasing interoperability between ISNI and ORCID, it is important to communicate clearly the balance between: The quality of publication/output/results information in ISNI where multiple sources (…) have contributed to creating the resources The immediacy, currency and ownership created by the claim and self- registration model of ORCID.” KE-Report National approaches to ORCID and ISNI (July 2015)
Data quality management ISNI Database Harvested, Batch loaded; Online contributions Algorithms Notifications Data fixing Algorithms Notifications Data fixing Sampling Data Policy Sampling Data Policy Enrichment Correction Curation Enrichment Correction Curation Crowd sourcing Members and Registration Agencies
Sustainable business model All stakeholders in ISNI have a business interest in using the assignment system –Rights mngt agencies for rights mngt –(National) libraries for bibliographic control –(University) libraries/CRIS for research information mngt –Publishers for mngt of authors/subscribers
From local catalogues to large metadata aggregations.
WorldCat growth since 1998 As of 27 April 2012
Cataloging error Harvested – points to repository splash page Analytic – essay in book Catalan translation Loaded from Crossref Loaded from Elsevier
Virtual International Authority File - VIAF Merge of 24+ national level authority files Cooperative program run by OCLC Initiated by LoC, DNB, BnF and OCLC 29 million authority records 112 million bibliographic records Migrated from an OCLC Research project to an OCLC service in 2012 VIAF is available as linked data
Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. From an infrastructure of aggregators to the web of data tapestry.
Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. Getting ready to move to the global aggregation: the semantic web
OCLC Research - Data Science Linked Data –Extracting entities from records and weaving library data into the web of data (Linked Data research)Linked Data research –The EntityJS Research Project –Person Entity Lookup PilotPerson Entity Lookup Pilot
Linking among identities in ISNI Co-author, pseudonym….. isMemberOf, isAffiliatedWith….. hasMember, hasEmployee….. hasUnit, supersedes acquired hosts isPartneredWith…..
Research project Links to member researchers Links to supporting institutions Links to funders and creating new identity types
ISNI data element values
SM we welcome your engagement euroCRIS strategic membership meeting Barcelona – 9-11 November 2015