100km x 12hr x 4+ days British Columbia – Newfoundland km² Almost half of Canada
63 %Coniferous Cone bearing 15% Deciduous Leafy trees 15 % mixed
Commercial Profit Warmer, wetter Near roads, railways, waterways Non-Commercial Unlikely to be cut down for industrial use North where temperatures are low, and trees hardly grow at all
Boreal Forest Largest ha total area Mainly coniferous Soft wood trees Black, white spruce, Balsam fir, Jack pine, cedar, Some deciduous White birch, poplar Trees grow slow due to long winters and low precipitation
ha Stunted trees Thin soils, cool temperatures, short growing season, permafrost Coniferous Black, white spruce, Balsam fir, Jack pine Deciduous Poplar, trembling aspen Only small parts logged due to inaccessibility
Most productive forest in Canada Temperate rainforest on western slopes Abundant precipitation, moderate temperatures, long growing season Douglas Fir, Sitka, Spruce, Western red cedar, Highest volume of wood/hectare in Canada
Lower precipitation Shorter growing season than WCF Smaller Coniferous Trees Spruce, lodgepole, ponderosa pine 2 nd highest volume per hectare
Longer growing season More precipitation than Boreal Northern Areas: Conifers Lumber, pulp and paper, hardwoods, maple syrup Southern Areas: Maple, birch, black walnut, cherry
1/16 jobs in Canada Depends on Forestry Products produce $80 billion/year Forestry industry provides jobs directly Logging
Most popularly used Fastest and cheapest method Replanting will allow for plants to grow at the same time If replanting does not take, less desirable species may grow Soil erosion
Clear cutting only part of an old-growth forest leaving behind seed bearing trees Used in areas where trees have grown and aged evenly
Harvesting trees that are: Mature Right size Right type Good quality Less disruptive to forest environment Costly Extra care and time No planting of uniform forest
Pulp and Paper made from cellulose fibres found in wood Plants Canada is 2 nd Largest pulp and paper producer Found in every province except PEI Mostly in Quebec, Ontario, and BC QuebecOntarioBCManitobaOther Provinces $ Million $ Million $6264 Million $549 Million $ Million
Lumber Raw cut timber, plywood, veneers, particle board, cedar shingles, chip board BC is Canada’s largest lumber producer Quebec is second Less money than pulp and paper industry QuebecOntarioBCManitobaOther Provinces $ Million $8032 Million $5664 Million $623 Million $4987 Million