General Classification Synarthroses and Amphiarthroses Types of Diathroses Diarthroses Anatomy Misc
100 The joint between the parietal bones of the skull is considered what type of joint?
100 - Answer Suture
200 What is the technical, functional name for slightly moveable joints?
200 - Answer Amphiarthroses
300 In this structural classification of joints, the connecting material is cartilage.
300 - Answer Cartilaginous
400 This is the technical name for the functional classification of joints that are non-moveable.
400 - Answer Synarthroses
500 This anatomical classification of joints is characterized by the presence of a cavity surrounding the articulating bones.
500 - Answer Synovial
100 What non-moveable joint connects bone to cartilage?
100 - Answer Synchondroses
200 Structurally, sutures are synarthroses that are held together by what?
200 - Answer Fibrous Connective Tissue
300 What non-moveable joint has a cone shaped peg fitting into a socket?
300 - Answer Gomphosis
400 What do you call the joint found between pubis bones?
400 - Answer Symphysis
500 What do you call the joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula?
500 - Answer Syndesmoses
100 In this diarthroses, a cup-like surface of one bone articulates with a ball shaped portion of another.
100 - Answer Ball and Socket
200 The elbow is considered this type of diarthroses.
200 - Answer Hinge
300 The articulation that allows rotation to occur between the radius and ulna is known as what type of joint?
300 - Answer Pivot
400 Daily Double! This type of diarthroses allows movement in one direction only and occurs between the carpals and tarsals.
400 - Answer Gliding
500 This type of diarthroses takes place between metacarpal #1 and the trapezium.
500 - Answer Saddle
100 What do you call the space encapsulated around the bones at a freely moveable joint?
100 - Answer Synovial Cavity
200 What do you call bundles of dense irregular connective tissue that hold bones together?
200 - Answer Ligaments
300 Daily Double! What are sac-like structures that help reduce friction at certain joints?
300 - Answer Bursae
400 This is the fluid that lubricates diarthroses.
400 - Answer Synovial Fluid
500 The outer layer of the articular capsule is known as the what?
500 - Answer Fibrous Capsule
100 What is the technical name for a place where two bones come together?
100 - Answer Articulation
200 Name a ball and socket joint.
200 - Answer Shoulder and Hip
300 Name a cartilaginous joint.
300 - Answer Epiphyseal disk, pubic symphysis, interveterbral disks, costal cartilage with ribs and sternum, ect…
400 Where would you look to find an extracapsular ligament?
400 - Answer Outside the articular capsule
500 What is the inner layer of the articular capsule called?
500 - Answer Synovial Membrane