Why do one? l Prove your abilities »document your skills l Open doors l Forces you to think about yourself »Process is as valuable as the product
Continuing Professional Education Reflect Do needs assessment Develop learning plan Implement plan Evaluate plan
The Career Portfolio “Copyright” statement Work philosophy Career goals Resume Skill areas: work samples Certificates, degrees, awards Professional memberships Transcript Relevant bios References
The N401 Portfolio l Include the following: »Work philosophy »Career goals »Resume »Skill areas: work samples »At least one visual »Certificates, degrees, awards »Professional memberships l Arrange this information as you see fit in the portfolio; use About Me, My Career at IU, and My Future Plans categories.
So you will develop: Work philosophy: statement of beliefs about yourself, people, and your outlook on dietetics (1 to 4 bullets) Goals: think of 3 to 5 desires about where you want to be in 2 to 5 years Resume Work samples: be sure to annotate these links
Helps The Class Skills inventory (next pages) The careers reflection you will do for this class
Class Skills Inventory Look at each course you are taking this semester: »Brainstorm a list of at least 6 skills or knowledge sets you learned or are learning from each course »Match each skill with how you can prove you have the skill
Class Skills Inventory CourseSkills learned Proof (work samples)
Making it electronic: About Me My Time at IU My future goals