Looking for a Job? High School Transitions Step by Step Guide
Step 1 Take a personal inventory of your strengths and weaknesses Do what you enjoy Ask for suggestions from your friends and family Decide on the direction before you start
Step 2 Research websites for possible jobs. – – – – Ask friends and family members for job ideas – Networking (career fairs, job hunting workshops) Go where you shop or patronize businesses
Step 3 Build your resume – No more than 2 pages – Make sure it is free of mistakes – Adapt your resume to the job you are seeking – Build a database of references that you can call on
Step 4 Write you letter of application – Make it free of mistakes Proofread each time you edit – Must sound professional – Can use basically the same letter each time but must change to adapt to job – Sign letter (more personal)
Step 5 Fill out application – On line – In person (blue or black pen) – No mistakes- be accurate An inaccurate resume could cause you to lose the job – Take reference list and resume with you to fill out application (will need phone #’s, names and addresses) – Most companies will not allow you take application – Be ready for an interview once application is filled out Come dressed for an interview possibility
Step 6 Interview – Prepare Dress Properly Proper handshake Take Resume Prepare a letter of application or cover letter Prepare for possible questions from resume Be on time Learn about the company Prepare a list of questions Do not chew gum or have mints in your mouth Go alone
Step 7 Write thank you note – Handwritten is more personal (depends on the job situation)- if you know the person – Typed looks more professional – Send thank you note no more than 24 hours after interview
Follow Up! If you are persistent, you have a better chance of getting noticed!