This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation Implementation of SEEAW The experience of Tunisia.


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Presentation transcript:

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation Implementation of SEEAW The experience of Tunisia Amman, March 2008 Joint MEDSTAT II / UN-ESCWA Training course on Water accounts Cécile Roddier-Quefelec

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  TUNISIA : water issue  Semi-arid country  Low water resources (less than 450 m3/inh/year, expected to be 350 m3/inh/year in 2030)  High variability of the water resources in time and space  Less than 50 mm in the extreme south  More than 1500 mm in the extreme north-west  56% surface water (in the North)  44% ground water (of which 15% are non-renewable water resources) (in the south)  High losses during distribution

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Tunisian situation  Water law  Different water price (Social to high consumers)  Integrated water resource management  Development of a national water information system (SINEAU)  Good availability of water data  Lack of data on  Return water  Water consumption for irrigation  Soil water  DBO per activity branch  Cost of water per activity branch  Expenditures and investment for water distribution and treatment

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Tunisian situation : development path  Water accounts includes in the 2008/2009 National Statistical Plan  Training course on SEEAW, Tunis, October 2007  Technical assistance mission, December 2007  National Statistical Office initiated first work in December 07 and started to populate an adapted PSUT  Meeting between INS and Water Resources General Directorate: objective to sign a cooperation protocol  Need to mobilise numerous actors: INS, DGRE, DGBTH, SONEDE, ONAS, DGGR, DGDA, SECADENORD, ANPE, DGACTA, INAT  Propose to create a national committee for water statistics and accounts, to be included in National statistical Committee : presentation of the draft tables, discussions and setting-up work programme and sharing of responsibilities

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Tunisia : implantation plan  First phase  Physical Supply and Use Tables  Assets and hybrid accounts (monetary part may be difficult, actualisation methods)  Second phase develop  Emissions accounts  Flow of Water (complementary)  Quality accounts (degree of salinity)  Expenditures accounts may be envisaged as well

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Physical use table (not complete)

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Physical supply table (not complete)

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Example of water circuit (households) Ménages raccordés SONEDE et ONAS Ménages raccordés SONEDE mais non ONAS STEP ONAS Pas de traitement Assainissement autonome Pas de traitement Ruissellement urbain Eau potable SONEDE Ménages non raccordés SONEDE Pas de traitement Eau de pluie Eau de source Puits oueds ou mer aquifère réutilisationoueds ou mer eau du sol aquifère (Consommation)

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Tunisia : conclusion  Lot of data available  Compilation of data allowed to identify quality problems in the available water statistics (revision of the JQ data)  New data collection to be organised by INS at the partners (up-date and clarifications of production methods)  Calculation methodology may be a problem  Institutional framework for environment statistics and accounts need to be clarified  Environment statistics being not legally part of the NSI’s tasks, but no other national institution has received this assignment

This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER Thank you Contact Cécile Roddier-Quefelec MEDSTAT II Environment key expert Tel: